Chapter 2: Questions

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*Our protagonist tries to call back the number to see if they answer, but he gets no response, this just pisses him even more*
SAM: why would I get involved in that? I did nothing to anyone
*He walks out of his apartment to get some fresh air when he trips and falls over a box*
SAM: great, fucking awesome
*He opens the door just to find a white, red and blue jacket and an octopus mask*
SAM: why would anyone give me a squid mask
*An elder woman who lived nearby looks at the mask*
WOMAN: I think it's an octopus
SAM: Go back to your coffin you dinosaur fossil, I know the difference between an octopus and a squid and this is a squid
WOMAN: I've lived longer than you to know that's an octopus
SAM: for now
*The old woman stares at him in disbelief*
WOMAN: your generation is full of assholes and intolerant brats, not only that but you are also stupid because that's a damn octopus
SAM: grandma I'm gonna turn you into mashed potatoes if you don't shut your mouth, and I mean it
*The woman then walks to her apartment, cussing and insulting him on her way*
*Sam leaves for work early as an employee in a Subway, he's very tired of ridiculous costumers, and little kids, he hates little kids*
SAM: hello what can I get for you
*The customer has one guy filming him from behind*
COSTUMER: yeah, I'll have a sandwich with as many black olives as possible
SAM: why is there a guy filming
COSTUMER: shut up and do your work *Sam proceeds to prepare the sandwich, with a normal amount of olives*
COSTUMER: is that the best you can
SAM: it's in the rules
COSTUMER: what rules?
SAM: the rules I just made the fuck up
COSTUMER: you are ruining my video
SAM: I'm glad
COSTUMER: I'll get you fired for being such a smartass you fucker
SAM: go ahead, leave a review if you want, I doubt you even know how to write
*Both of the guys walk away, not paying or taking the order, so he just stands there with a bunch of olives in his hands*
SAM: I hate my job
*Then his coworker walks in the store, late as usual, with messy dark brown short hair, and some baggy clothes mixed with his uniform*
BARRY: yo sup dude? I know I'm late again but it doesn't seem like there have been many people around, so I don't think it wasn't such a problem
SAM: just some guys trying to get an all olives sandwich
BARRY: again? That happened to me the other weekend, I remember well
SAM: is there any way we can use them?
BARRY: I don't know man, I'm not into law and stuff
SAM: yes of course, I don't even know why I'd expect you to know that
BARRY: anyways, we are having a party in my house and you can come if you want, it'll be fun, beers, girls, music
SAM: what kind of music
BARRY: I'll let you choose one song
SAM: I'm in
BARRY: but it has to be understandable
SAM: what do you mean by that
BARRY: I know what kind of music you are into, I want people to have fun and get drunk, not to run away with their ears bleeding
SAM: ok fine snowflake, I'll be there

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