Chapter 31

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Author's note:
Guys I'm back. I know you guys must be annoyed with me cz I haven't been writing for ages. Now I'm back and will try my best to be regular. Just keep reading, voting, sharing. I need all your support. Love u. XOXO.

I wake up at the sound of my ringtone. Who's calling so early in the morning. I pick up the phone without looking at it.

"Hello.", I say in a raspy voice.

"Morning Arya."

"Morning. Who's this?", I ask.

"It's me, Liam.", he says.

"Oh Liam. Hey. Why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"I don't know what's early to you because it's almost 10:30."

"Oh god, really?", I say as sit up on my bed.

"Yes it is. Anyways, I just called to check up on you. You left early last night. Is everything alright?", he ask in a concern voice.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"Then what happened?"

"Well actually something did happen. I have a lot to tell you Liam. Are you free today?", I ask.

"Well I have some plans with Sophia. We are going out now. But you can join us at lunch if you want.", he says.

"That sounds perfect. So I'll see you at lunch.", I say with a smile.

"Okay then. Bye.", he says and we hang up.

I get up from bed and walk to the bathroom. Megan probably left already. I wash my face and go to the kitchen to find something to eat. I'm feeling so hungry. I go to open the fridge and find Megan's note.

'I made some pancakes for you. :)'

Awww....  she's such a sweetheart.

Liam's POV:

"Soph, are you ready?", I say as she comes from the other room.

"Yes babe. I'm done.", Sophia says with a smile.

"Oh by the way. Arya is gonna join us for lunch."

"That's great.", she says with a big smile.

"Yeah, she said she has a lot to tell. I don't know why, I'm feeling a bit worried.", I say with a frown.

"Why? Did she sound tense or anything?", she asks.

"No. Actually she sounded pretty..... Happy."

"Then why are you worried?", she says as we walk out of the apartment.

"I don't know. Let's see."

"She sounded happy huh? Do you think she finally said it?", Sophia asks with excitement.

"Said what?", I ask her as we get inside the car.

"That she likes Louis.", she says rolling her eyes.

"What! No. I'm sure it's nothing like that.", I say as I drive.

"Oh come on Liam. At least you should not deny it."

"Do you really believe that Soph?", I ask her with concern.

"Of course. Not just her, I think they both kinda like each other.", she says as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Well that's what worries me. I mean I also kinda guessed it about Arya, but Louis is, you know, Louis. I don't know if he can ever be serious in his life. You know what I mean?", I say as I look at her.

"Yeah I know."

"Arya is a lovely person. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"Yeah let's just hope for the best.", she says as she rubs my arm.


I'm sitting at a restaurant with Sophia deciding what to order when Arya arrives.

"Hey guys.", Arya squeals with a big smile and hugs me and Soph.

"Hey, it's so good to see you.", Sophia says with a smile and I smile at her too.

"It's great to see you too.", says Arya.

"Alright, so let's order first cause we have a lot to hear since you have a lot to tell right?", I say raising my eyebrows.

"Don't you mock me Payno.", she says as we laugh.

After giving our order me and Sophia both look at Arya as we wait for her to talk.

"Why are you two staring at me like that?", she says with a frown.

"Because we are waiting to hear from you, now spill it, what's going on?", says Sophia.

"Okay okay, calm down.", Arya says as she clears her throat as if she's preparing herself to tell a story. "So at the wedding when me and Louis danced with that song, you remember that song right?"

"That grand ma song?", I say with a frown.

"Yes that grandma song.", she says as she rolls her eyes. "Well that GRANDMA song has a back story."

"What story?", Sophia asks.

"Well, when we were in Bogota, I went out for a walk with Louis in the middle of the night. Actually we kinda sneaked out. So, that night we walked and talked. It was full moon. We were talking about songs and I mentioned this song. But I never thought he'd remember it let alone play on the wedding and ask me to dance.", she stops for a moment and smiles.

"Then while we were dancing he was talking about that night. That it was a very special night for him because........ I was with him.", she finishes and sighs.

"Wow. Louis did and said all this? Wow.", Sophia says with a surprise. "And you never took me out for a walk in the middle night of full moon.", she says as she swats my arm.

"Ow..", I squeal as Arya laughs.

"I also can't believe it's Louis you were talking about.", I say.

"I know. Me neither.", Arya says.

"So, now what?", I ask with a worried face.

"What do you mean now what? You're gonna put some sense into your friend's head so that he stops giving all these hints and just say it.", Sophia almost screams.

"But....", I try to say something.

"No Liam. You don't have to do anything. I've decided, I've been denying this since the very first day I met him. I like him and that's the truth. So I'm gonna be upfront and tell him. I don't know if he feels the same way or not. But.... I have to say it. For me.", Arya says as she looks at me.

"Yeah you are right. You should tell him.", I say as I smile at her. "Just be careful. You are a good friend. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Aww.... Don't worry. I'm a strong girl. Besides if my heart is broken you guys will be there to pick up the pieces, won't you?", Arya says as she laughs.

"Hey, you won't be heartbroken honey. Only an idiot will not fall for you.", Sophia says as she squeezes Arya's hand.

"Which Louis is.", I say.

"Liam!! Why are you being so negative?", Sophia scolds me as Arya laughs.

"I'm sorry. I just don't trust Louis."

"Didn't you hear what he said? Can we please be happy about the fact that our friend is in love?", Sophia says as she pretends to clap.

"Okay. No more worried face. It's happy time.", I say with a big smile.

"Yay.... I'm in love.", Arya says as she laughs.

"Now let's make a toast.", Sophia says with grin on her face as we raise our glasses. "To falling in love."

"To falling in love.", me and Arya say in unison.

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