Chapter 16

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Liam is also a bit surprised to see Louis just like me. I can tell that by looking at his face. I don't understand what to say. After few seconds of awkward silence Liam talks.

"Well yeah, I just came to see Arya."

"What are you doing here?", I ask Louis.

"Me? I Uh.. I just came to talk to you.", he mumbles.

"How long have you been walking in this corridor?", Liam asks with curiosity.

"Not long. Just few minutes."

I can tell he's lying. Who knows how long he's been waiting here. But why didn't he try to come inside?

"Okay then. You two talk, I gotta go.", Liam says as he smiles at me. "Bye Arya. Take care". Then he gives me a hug and leaves.

After Liam leaves I give an annoyed look at Louis and say,

"What is it?"

"Can I come inside?"

I roll my eyes and walk inside the room leaving the dorr open as he follows me. I turn around facing him with my arms crossed as he closes the door behind him.

"What do you wanna talk about?", I ask with a frown.

"Come here, sit down." He says in a soft voice as he sits on the bed. I sit without saying anything.

"Well, I... I wanted to say that I'm sorry."

"So you did all this drama to say that one word, sorry?" I'm still pretty angry on him. I know he's trying to apologize and all, and I should appreciate it but I'm just too angry right now.

"What drama?", he asks in a confused tone.

"You know, coming inside, sitting down and all.", I shrug my shoulder.

"This was not drama. This is called good manners.", he defends himself.

"So what you're trying to say is since I didn't invite you inside and didn't offer you to sit I don't have good manners?". I know I'm being rude. But I just can't stop myself.

"When did I say that?"

"May be you did not say it. But that's what you meant.", I say as I shrug my shoulder.

"No. Of course not. Why are you twisting things?" Now Louis sounds a little annoyed. I can tell from his tone.

"I am not twisting anything."

"Listen Arya. I know what I did was wrong. You have every right to be angry. That's why I came to apologize. But now you are just over reacting."

"Over reacting!! I am over reacting?", I almost scream.

"Yes you are. It was a simple joke. I didn't know you were gonna take it so seriously." He says in a loud voice.

"Oh. So now it's my fault. I took it too seriously?", I yell at him as I stand up.

"I never said it's your fault damn it. I just came to simply say sorry. And you are being so.... I don't know. What's wrong with you?", Now he's yelling too standing up on his feet.

"What's wrong with me!! You don't even know how to say sorry in a decent way."

"Oh no.. I know how to say sorry. I just don't know how to say sorry to a woman with so much complicated and twisted thoughts.", he says as he walks towards me. Standing few inches away from me. "Cause I never met one like you."

We stare at each other with anger in our eyes. My chest is going up and down as I breath heavily. I don't understand what to say. I'm so pissed right now. Before I could say anything he storms out of the room slamming the door. I sit on the bed covering my face with both hands.


Did I really have to act like that? I think to myself sitting in my room alone. I was just so pissed at him. But he was also not very nice. You don't blame the person who you want to say sorry to. I mean it's like saying sorry but also not admitting that what you did was wrong. At first he says sorry then the next moment he says what I did was wrong. Couldn't he just simply say that he's sorry.

Or is it my fault? Did I really over react? No, I did not over react about that journal. But may be I over reacted a little earlier when he came to say sorry. Damn it, now I made everything worse. I lay back on my bed when my phone rings. It's Liam.

"Hey Liam.", I say as I pick up.

"So, what happened? I hope he came to apologize."

"Well, he did. But...",

"But what? What did he say?", he says in a tense voice.

"He didn't exactly do anything. It's probably me this time."

"What you mean it's you?"

"He said sorry. But I was just too much angry I guess. Then one thing led to another and we ended up yelling at each other."

"Oh god! Why?", he sounds disappointed. "Arya, I've known him for four years. He's not the kind of person who apologizes for doing a prank. And he went to say sorry to you. He doesn't do that very often"

"I don't know what happened to me. I just don't understand what he does to me. I mean, he's the one who makes me laugh the most but again he's the one who pisses me off the most.", I say as I sit up.

"So what do you wanna do now?", he asks.

"I guess now it's my turn to apologize."

"Yes it is.", he says and I sigh. "He really cares for you Arya."

"I know. He cares for you guys too. I can see that."

"Yes he does. But there's a difference."

"What difference?",I ask him with some sort of hope. But I don't know what that hope is for. It just felt like I wanted to hear something but I didn't know what.

"Well, there are some things that can't be told. You just have to know. And someday you will. You both will.", he says and I frown as I try to process what he just said. "Anyway. Hope you two will sort things out. Good night Arya".

"Yeah. Good night Liam.", I say and we hang up.

I start thinking about what Liam was trying to say. Is there really a difference? Does Louis really see me in a different way than the others? But he never says anything. May be sometimes his actions say it but still, I don't know. Or may be he's right. I am complicated. May be I do twist all the simple things. Whatever, I don't wanna think about it. Right now I just need to see Louis and apologize. So I take my phone and call him but it straight goes to voice mail. Fuck! What do I do now? I call Niall to check if Louis' with him as they often watch football together. Though I know he's definitely not in the mood of watching football. But Niall could not tell me where he is. So I decide to go to his room.

I knock on the door many times but nobody answers. He's probably not inside. Otherwise he'd at least open the door.

"God!! Where he could be. Think Arya", I say to myself. Then it clicks that he's probably at the pool.

It's pretty late, nearly 12am so the pool area is quiet. Just a few people there. As I walk in I finally see him, sitting by the edge of the pool with his feet inside the water just like that day. I walk towards him and stand behind. He's sitting there staring at the water. I clear my throat to get his attention.

"May I?", I say as he looks at me. He shrugs his shoulders without saying anything and starts staring at the water again.

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