Chapter 15

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(Sorry for being late :( I really missed writing. But I'm back now. Hope u'll enjoy)


The moment Liam snatched the notebook from my hand I understood, may be I took it too far.

"Come on man.", Liam says to me in a harsh voice and gives the notebook back to Arya. I can tell everyone around has become a bit serious. Minutes ago they were laughing but now everyone is quiet.

"This was not funny.", Arya says through her teeth.

Oh my god. Is she crying? She storms out from there before I could say anything. I don't know what to do. I never meant to hurt her. I look at Liam for help and instead of helping me he says,

"There's always a limit for every joke Louis. You should know it." Then he walks out from there. Fuck! Now even Liam is also angry. Then I look at Niall.

"Help me out here Niall.", I say almost begging.

"Sorry mate. It's your mess, you have to clean it.", Niall says as they all leave.

I sit in the couch as I run both my hands through my hair. Why am I such an idiot? Why?


I am alone in my room now. I tried to call Liam but he is not picking up.

"Fuck!! Liam pick up the phone damn it.", I scream on the phone.

I can't believe all the boys will just leave me there alone. No one even tried to help. I mean I know it was my fault but they could at least pretend to take my side. I know Arya is also a friend. But I was a friend before her. They are all taking her side just because she's a girl. They could at least tell her that I didn't mean it.

Who am I kidding. Niall's right, it's my mess and I have to take care of it. But I can't decide what to do. Should I call her or should I go see her and say sorry in person? I could really use some expert advice from Payno but that asshole is not picking up his phone. So I end up calling my mom.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you?", mom says with a joy as she picks up.

"Well not very good mom."

"What happened? Who's the victim now, is it Liam again?", mom says as she chuckles.

"Why would you say that? I never said I did something wrong. I said I am not very good.", I say as I frown. Why mothers are so intelligent. I mean how did she even know?

"Louis. I am your mother okay. Now tell me what did you do."

"Well, you remember Arya?", I ask.

"Yeah, that new girl who has become a very close friend of yours.", I can tell she's smirking though I can't see her.

"Yes mom.", I say as I roll my eyes. "Well I kind of read her personal journal."

"Hmm..That's bad. But at least you didn't tell anyone what you read, right?", she says.

"Actually I read it out loud in front of the boys.", I say as I bite my tongue.

"Louis!! Why would you? That is so rude.", mom almost screams.

"I know it was wrong, I crossed the line, I shouldn't have done it. You don't have to tell me these mom. I need your help. Now tell me what do I do. How do I say sorry? Should I call or text or what?", I say in one breath.

"What do you mean call or text. Go to her young man and apologize properly.", mom says on a harsh voice.

"So you are saying I should go see her.", I say.

"Yes of course.", she says. "And I mean now. And be nice."

"Okay. Alright. I should go then. Bye mom.", I say as I hang up.


I reach the door of my room. I put my hand on the door nob and stop.

"I think I should practice a bit what I will say.", I say to myself.

I walk to the mirror and start talking to myself looking at the mirror.

"Hey Arya. How are you?", I say with a smile. Seriously, how are you? This is what I plan to say. I'm so screwed.

Okay, first I have to stop smiling. I need to look a bit miserable and sorry. So I make a sad face and start talking again,

"Hi Arya. I am really really sorry. I didn't think you're gonna take it so seriously.", I stop again. No no, I don't have to say what I thought or whatever. I will just simply say sorry. Yeah. I'm just being paranoid without any reason. Come on Louis, it's no big deal. I say to myself to boost my confidence which didn't really work and walk out of the room nervously.


When I am about to knock on her door suddenly I stop. Oh god, I think I forgot what I wanted to say. Oh shit. I start walking back and forth on the corridor. I don't understand why am I being so nervous. I mean it's not the first time I acted like an idiot while joking. I pissed Liam off many times. It was never this hard to apologize to him. What's the difference now? There's no difference. Arya is also a friend just like Liam. There's no point of being nervous. And besides she's not a monster. May be she'll scream a little then everything's gonna be fine. When I finally calm myself down her door opens. Liam and Arya is standing there staring at me with surprise on their faces and I stop walking.

I don't understand what to say. So I just say,

"Oh hey Liam. I didn't know you're here.", I say with an awkward smile as both Arya and Liam stare at me with surprise.

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