Chapter 10

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Megan was right, life is really easy when you don't over think. And it is even more easy and enjoyable if you don't think at all. Which is probably what I'm doing now. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. But the point is, I'm enjoying my life more than ever before. Things between me and Louis is going great. Lately we've been hanging out together a lot. Even if we hang out in a group, some how we end up being the last two person to leave, except for two or three occasions I guess where I left early. I don't know what is it that we have, is it friendship? Best friendship? Likeness? Crush? Whatever it is I don't want to ruin it by over thinking. I like spending time with him, that's all I know. And I think he does too. Otherwise he won't be spending time with me. So I've decided that I'm just gonna let it flow and simply go with it, and peacefully have my breakfast in this nice hotel cafe in this beautiful country.

"What are you thinking about sitting here all alone?", someone says and break my thoughts. When I look up it's Liam with a cup of hot coffee in his hand. "May I?", he asks pointing to the empty chair across me.

"Yeah, of course.", I tell him with a smile.

"So who is this guy you are thinking about and smiling?", he asks as he raise his eyebrows twice. I just smile at him and don't say anything.

"Is it my dear friend Mr. Tomlinson?", he adds.

"Noooo.. I'm not thinking about him.", I say and he looks at me with raised eyebrows while taking a sip of his coffee. "Okay, may be a little about him. But basically I was just thinking how better I feel cause I stopped thinking.", I add.

"What does that mean?", he says.

"You know. I always used to freak out thinking about the two of us. Like, what's going on, why he said this, why he said that blah blah. So I stopped doing it and I feel great.", I say with a smile.

"So does it mean you figured out what's going on between you two?", he asks.

"No. That's what I stopped doing. Trying to figure it out. It drives me crazy.", I say with my hands in the air. "I mean we're good friends. We like hanging out together. There's no need to complicate it."

He only nods.

"You see we also like hanging out.", I say moving my hand back and forth between me and Liam. "It's the same thing." This is my mind talking but my heart says, who am I kidding it's never the same thing. But I decide to ignore my heart.

"Okay if you say so.", he says and pauses for a moment. "You're my good friend Arya. I just want you to be happy cause you deserve it.", he says with a smile. "And remember no matter what, I'll always be there for you.", he says as he holds my hand.

"I know Liam. I am really thank full to have a friend like you.", I say as I smile back to him. I really am thank full. Now I finally have a best friend other than Megan.

"Alright, enough about me. Now tell me all about Sophia. You haven't told me anything yet.", I say not just because I wanted to change the subject but also I really wanted to hear about her. "Show me a photo first."

Liam brings out his phone as he blushes. He's such a sweetheart. Even the name of his girlfriend is making him blush.

"Aww.. She's beautiful. Wow. She's gorgeous.", I say with excitement. "And you two are definitely the most adorable couple I've ever seen."

"I'm just so lucky to have her.", Liam says as he takes his phone. Then he tells me all about him and Sophia. About how they met, how long they've been together and that she's studying fashion just like me which made me love her more.

"Oh I can't wait to meet her. She sounds amazing.", I say.

"Well you don't have to wait long. She's coming here tomorrow.", Liam says as his face lights up with joy.

"That's awesome. Finally I'll have a girl around who's my age.", I say as we both laugh.

"Anyway I should get going.", Liam says as he stands up. "Btw we're going to this dance club tomorrow. You wanna join us?"

"Dance club? You mean like salsa n tango dance club?", I ask him with a frown.

"We're in Latin America. What else do you think.", he says.

"Hmm. I think that'll be pretty fun. Sure I'll go.", I say. "Btw when you said 'us' did you mean just you and Sophia? Cause I don't wanna be the third wheel."

"Oh no. So far I know it's me, Sophia, Harry, Lou and may be Josh.", he says as he counts them with his fingers. "FYI Louis is not going." He adds and I roll my eyes.

"I will go.", I say with a smile.

"Great.",Liam says and leave.


I am really excited about going to this dance thing. I wish Louis would go too. It'd be fun. I can't salsa or tango at all but still it's gonna be fun. I'm just hoping there'll be a lot of people so nobody will notice that I'm a shitty dancer.

Damn I need to do some shopping. I have to buy those heels they were for dancing and a salsa skirt. They are perfectly fit on the top but just from below your bottom it's like a water fall of fabrics. I have always wanted one of these. It's gonna be an incredible experience. Louis' gonna miss it. Why won't he go? Should I call and ask him? No no, that will not be the right thing to do. You know what, if he doesn't wanna go then fine. I shouldn't ruin my excitement because of him. I need to go shopping now.

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