Chapter 34

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The show is almost about to wrap up. The boys are saying goodbye to the fans as I stand back stage looking at them. When someone says from behind,

"Hey there gorgeous." It's Edward.

"Hey, Edward. How are you?", I say with a smile.

"Yeah I'm good. What about you? ", he says.

"I'm fine too."

"So have you done it?", he asks.

"Done what?", I ask with a frown.

"You know, what you promised, talk to Louis. Does it ring a bell?"

"Oh, yeah. Well I'm on it.", I say as I feel a bit awkward.

"If you don't I'm gonna tell him. And I'm not bluffing.", he says as if he's trying to scare me with his left eyebrow raised.

"Alright Mr. scary pants, I will.", I say as we both chuckle.

The show has ended the boys are coming off stage.

"Okay, that's my queue.", says Edward. "See you later luv." he says and kisses on my chick as Louis and the boys walks past me.

"Edward.", I say as I take a step back.

"Don't walk away you idiot. I'm just trying to make him a bit jealous. He should know if he doesn't make a move he'll loose something.", he says as he winks.

"God, you're evil.", I say with a smirk.

"Well you're gonna thank me for my evilness later when it'll do the tricks.", he says. "Okay, now I really should go. Bye Arya and good luck."

"Bye Edward, and thanks.", I say with a smile as he leaves.

I walk towards the boys. They are all talking, laughing and making jokes about how Harry fell on stage.

"Oh my god, it was hilarious. Hey Arya did you see? Please don't tell me you missed it.", Niall asks me laughing.

"Actually I did miss it.", I say with much disappointment.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's all over Twitter and YouTube by now.", says Liam as we all laugh.

"Okay, enough joking, Paul is calling us. Let's go.", Harry says as he walks.

"So you and Edward is a thing now?", Louis asks me while we leave.

I stop walking. Because I didn't expect such conversation right now. But that means he saw me. And from the way of his asking I think he is a little jealous. Edward was right it did the trick.
So instead of showing him my surprise and a little happiness I decide to play it cool and make him talk.

"Why do think that?", I ask. We both stopped walking now.

"I don't know, I just think.", he says as he shrugs his shoulder.


"You did not answer me. Are you two dating?", he asks with a serious look on his face. Which is something I don't see very often.

"No we are not.", I say.

"Oh, okay. Then why did he kiss you?", he says.

"Are you spying on me?"

"I don't have to be spy. You two were right in front of me."

"It's nothing. He is like that you know, it was just a bit flirting that's it.", I say as I smile. I am really enjoying this conversation. I can totally see he's jealous. But I also know he'll never admit it. Never.

"Oh, okay." he says as a small grin comes to his face removing that seriousness. Then we both start walking again.

"Louis, why did you ask all that?", I ask him.

"I want to know what's going on with you, you know."

"So if I said I was dating Edward, you would be okay with that?", I ask him with a frown on my face.

"It's your life Arya. I can't tell you who you will date and who you will not. I just wanted to know.", he says as he looks down at his feet.

I can't believe his answer. I gave him so many hints, I gave him so much opportunities to say the right thing. And he says this. He couldn't even say that, I asked because I care for you? What is wrong with him.

"Well may be it's okay with you if I date Edward. But it's not okay with me", I say with a bit anger in my voice as he looks at me. "Because I don't like him, I like You. And if I wanna date anyone, I wanna date you."

He is looking at me with utter surprise. We are both quiet now. Only he is looking at me with wide eyes and mouth a bit open. Why isn't he saying anything. I can't stay here anymore. I said what I had to say. If he doesn't have anything to say then there's no point of standing in front of him staring at his surprised face.

"Are you okay?", he finally says with much awkwardness in his voice.

I literally can not believe he just asked me if I was okay. That's it I can't stand here anymore. I can't stand him anymore. So I start walking leaving him standing there.

Louis' POV:
I don't understand what just happened. Did I hear it correctly? Did she really say that she likes me!! I wasn't prepared for this. I thought she was dating that Edward guy. Which she isn't and that's a relief. I don't know why I don't like him. Everyone says he's a nice guy. Well may be he is, I like him when he is normally doing his job. But for some reason when I see him with Arya, I just can't stand him. Wait, why am I thinking all these now? I should say something to her. She's looking at me. By her look I can tell she's angry. I am surprised, I am really surprised. I can not decide what to say. After passing nearly two long awkward minutes I finally manage to say,

"Are you okay?"

Then she gives a look which I guess means, are you out of your fucking mind? And then she walks away.
Damn it. I should have stayed quiet. I always say the wrong things. I walk towards my van and get in.

"What took you so long? ", Niall asks. He sounds annoyed. But I'm not in a position to worry about his annoyance right now.

"Nothing.", I say while I look outside through the window.

"Everything all right mate?", Liam asks me while he puts his hands on my right shoulder from the back seat.

"Yeah I'm fine.", I say without looking at him and the van starts moving.

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