Chapter fourteen

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Once the last rays of sunlight vanished from the sky, Bailey started to head back home. She had been out long enough and she knew her parents. They'd be freaking out.

She came to a standstill as a thought occurred to her. What if her parents freaked out about her powers? Her weirdness? Her insane abilities? She could feel nerves battle against her stomach, but she forced her legs to start moving again.

Joseph and Amelia were still her parents. This wouldn't change that, right?

Bailey didn't know. But she also knew, she didn't have anywhere else to turn to.

She still loved her parents. Her glowing silver eyes didn't change that. With that thought, her walk slowed with each step. Going home didn't feel as comforting as it used to.

Her glowing silver eyes . . .

Jaxon was a total ass, a tool, but he wasn't wrong. It shouldn't be possible.

Bailey roughly shook her head, but her thoughts had already started to take formation and refused to budge. She had never seen a werewolf in person with silver eyes like that. She had never seen it herself, but she still it was more than possible for certain werewolves to have changeable eyes like that.

Just not someone like Bailey.

An omega . . .


Bailey's spine straightened slightly. Omegas don't have silver eyes, but alphas, they were the only werewolves that did. And not just someone from an Alpha Bloodline like Madison or Jaxon.

Current alphas.

Someone like Alpha Andrew – Jaxon and Madison's father. Her family alpha.

With a heavy groan, Bailey racked her hands through her dishevelled hair. God dammit. She had never felt so lost. So confused. Never once in her life, but now . . .

With another groan that evolved into a snarl, fangs sprouted from her gums again. She could feel her magic stirring within, begging to be released. Eyes sharpened to an almost dizziness degree.

Bailey tried to shake off these sensations, but her magic refused to budge. Seeing in the dark was no longer a problem. Twigs that scattered along the forest floor. Insects that climbed nearby trunks of trees.

Bailey softly rubbed at her eyes. These enhanced senses were just causing a migraine.

She needed to get home. Now. Before she loses her mind in the woods.

Lowering her head with a pitiful whimper, Bailey's walk fastened. Maybe if she got inside, her warm cosy home, she'd feel better?

When her home finally came into sight, a smile crept across Bailey's face. Home. She'd be safe inside. With her parents. Nothing would happen then . . .

Bailey's footsteps faltered as she came to a sudden stop. She stared at the house, her childhood home. It looked the same as always, all the lights inside were on. Warm and happy and welcoming, but Bailey couldn't keep her unease at bay.

Something was wrong.

As Bailey stared at the house, soft voices came from downstairs.

"She wouldn't stay out this late without calling . . ." Her mum's frantic voice.

"It's not like her . . ." Her dad chimed in.

Conner's heavy breathing.

Then, movement. Scrapping of chairs. Whispers in a language she didn't recognise. Voices she didn't recognise.

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