Chapter six

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***Hey, guys, another chapter ready for you. It's a little shorter than the rest, but we'll see where it goes from here. I hope you enjoy and remember to vote and comment on my stores. I'd appreciate it***

"I don't like this," Bailey muttered uneasily as she followed Emily across the school field later that afternoon.

"Noted." Emily spun a soccer ball between her fingers before dropping the ball to the muddy field. "Now stop bitching."

"I'm not bitching," Bailey whined but no longer protected when Emily kicked the ball over to a bunch of orange cones placed in a straight line that already had a line of other girls waiting in cleats.

"Whatever." Emily rolled her eyes. "I need the practice."

Bailey glanced down at her sneakers, then looked at Emily's green cleats. Bailey didn't play sports, she was wildly unprepared for practice.

Emily noticed Bailey's unease. "Relax. We'll get you cleats if you make the team."

Bailey snorted. "One practice doesn't mean I'll even try-out, Em."

"We'll see." Emily had a wicked grin on her face, but didn't say any more on the matter, only stepped forward towards the cones when it was her turn. She tapped the soccer ball lightly at first, then with the blow of a whistle, she took off, dribbling the ball through the line of cones. She was fast, swift and zigzagged through those cones like a pro.

"Not bad, Belko," Kimberly Finley said, a silver whistle between her pink lips as she directed the next girl in line to continue. She was heading the practices until try-outs next week. As captain of the soccer team the last two years, everyone expected her to take that title again this year.

With a beaming grin in place, Emily jogged over to Bailey. She was happy at first, then noticed that Bailey was letting girls cut in front of her. "Hey," she warned. "Aren't you gonna have a go?"

Bailey shook her head. "I think I'll watch instead. You know, be the supportive best friend on the sidelines."

Emily crossed her arms. "I don't like that plan."


"Hey!" Kimberly must have overheard the conversation, or at least, noticed that Bailey was still waiting in line. "Everyone gets a turn. Redhead, your go."

Bailey resisted the urge to bolt when a dozen pairs of eyes swirled towards her. The drills were put on pause for the moment. "Er, I'm not even trying out."

Kimberly blew on her whistle again. "You're in line, aren't you? You're turn. Go."

Emily looked at Bailey and shrugged at her friend's helpless look. "No biggie. Just run through the cones with the ball. Don't trip over it, okay? Or the cones. Go nice and slow if you want."

"I hate you." Bailey gave her a cold stare as she grudgingly accepted Emily's offered soccer ball and took position at the front of the line.

"You go girl."

Bailey put Emily's words out of her head as she waited for Kimberly to blow on the whistle. She could already feel her palms sweating. Her stomach was still in knots, maybe she could fake a cramp?

Bailey focused on the cones, and it was like the world was suddenly in hyperfocus. The thin strips of white around the orange cones. The blades of grass pushed aside to make room for the soccer equipment. The small clumps of dirt stuck in nearby cleats.

Kimberly blew on the whistle, and Bailey's body surged into motion. Bailey moved through the cones without missing a beat. Sidestepping each cone, soccer ball moving from foot to foot, Bailey made it through the cones without so much as a stumble.

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