Chapter two

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Fire spewed from the dragon's mouth.

Bailey groggily opened her eyes as a bright glow seeped into her bedroom. Damn, she cursed as she rolled out of bed and staggered over to the open curtains. She had forgotten to shut the curtains last night, now she was paying the price.

Bailey shoved the window open, breathed in the fresh morning air, and she searched the sky for the giant winged rat she knew had to be nearby. After a moment, she caught sight of it.

The creature was huge, covered in electric blue scales that glistened in the early morning sunshine. Bailey leaned against the windowsill and watched as the dragon soared above the treetops. For most, a dragon would be a magnificent creature, even in this world were supernaturals and humans live together, but for Bailey, it was just any other morning.

As more fire melted through the sky, Bailey hoped the creature wouldn't cause the forest nearby to go up in flames. The thick woods that surrounded Purefin was just feet away from her backdoor.

Bailey quickly lost interest in the shifter and sullenly left her bedroom, muttering distastefully about shifters and fire-shows as she walked downstairs. Her dad was already in the kitchen when she arrived.

Joseph gave his daughter a knowing look. "Dragon?"

Bailey gave him an unblinking stare. "Bloody dragon. It's too early for his lightshow."

Joseph took a gulp from his mug. "Close your curtains then."

"I forgot last night."

Joseph chuckled as he poured himself more coffee. He looked down at his watch. "Your alarm should go off soon, anyway, shouldn't it?"

Bailey nodded. "Not the point. That shifter depraved me of ten minutes of sleep. That's essential, you know." Every damn morning. Like clockwork. Her curtains would usually keep the light out, but last night, she had forgotten to shut them.

Joseph hid a smile behind his mug. "Sure. How would you survive school today?"

Bailey pushed away from the table and headed to the fridge. "Coffee would be a good idea, but my mean parents won't let me have any. I guess energy drinks would have to satisfice."

Joseph lost his smile. "No, it won't. They're bad for you."

Bailey looked over her shoulder at her dad. "Everything's bad for me, right?"

Joseph exhaled heavily. "Find another way to get your fix, Bailey. Not energy drinks."

Bailey shut the fridge. "Fine."

"Or fizzy," Joseph added as Bailey was leaving the kitchen.

Bailey swirled back around to her dad, a soda can clutched close against her body. Joseph gestured for the red can, but Bailey tucked it closer. "No coffee. No energy drinks. No fizzy. Then, I've got nothing."

"You know the rules, Bailey. No fizzy before noon."

Reluctantly, Bailey handed the can back over. "Then all that's left is water."

"Then have some."

Bailey winkled her nose and slowly back out of the kitchen. "Gross. Mum only has that flavoured crap. I think I'll wait until noon."

Bailey ran back upstairs, stopping halfway down the hallway to grab a towel from the cupboard. After a shower that lasted much longer than usual – thanks to the dragon – Bailey wrapped a towel around her body before walking back to her bedroom to get dressed.

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