Chapter eighteen

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*** Hey guys, I know I'm late with this next chapter, but I've been sick all week. It sucked. Anyway, enjoy this latest chapter and remember to show your support and comment and vote for it. I'd appreciate it.***

News of the unregistered alpha spread fast.

By lunch time, news van lined the street, camera flashes so toxic Bailey couldn't even look out the window for long without being temporarily blinded. Bulky cameras were fastened on the house, with news anchors speaking to the camera.

Joesph wouldn't allow the television to be switched on, in case a Breaking News report splashed across the screen. He spent half the morning pacing his office, speaking angrily into a phone.

Even from down the hall, Bailey could make out every word. He wasn't happy with the circus going on outside. He wanted everyone removed from the property, but it seemed not much was being done at the moment.

Bailey turned her head away from the direction of the hallway and tried to block out the one-way phone call her dad was emersed with. Her phone perched in her lap, the device long ago been switched off. She couldn't handle random people texting her all the time. What she really wanted was some peace. Somehow, she doubted she'd get that anytime soon.

Conner cried out and Bailey readjusted her position on the couch. With a Nintendo Switch in hand, Conner leaped from the recliner, the muscles in his jaw tense. From the console in his hand, another ghastly scream echoed, followed by a gun shot.

Bailey frowned. "Seems a bit violent, Conner."

Conner only shrugged off her remarked. No doubt the game didn't belong to Conner. Most likely a lone from a friend. Their parents wouldn't allow Conner to own such a violent game, but at the moment, Joseph was stuck in a phone call and Amelia had to leave to manage something at her shop. "The bastards keeps killing me. It must be rigged."

Bailey sunk back further into the comfort of the couch. "Or you're just no good at it."

Conner thought about it for a moment, then shook his head. "Definitely rigged." His attention was back on the screen as he started hitting a bunch of buttons. "Round four, zombies!"

"What happened to round two and three?"

"The game cheated," Conner mumbled without looking up.

With a small smile, Bailey looked away, catching a bright flash from between the parted curtains. With pursed lips, Bailey left the couch and tugged the curtains tighter together. She was careful not to look outside, but she could do nothing to stop the sound coming from outside. It was truly a circus now.

"I don't get it," she said, settling back on the couch. "I don't remember this happening when Ariana Young became alpha." Becoming alpha was always a big deal, like party big, maybe a few paparazzi following them around, but this? It was a joke.

"Seriously? There's a huge difference, Bailey." Conner hut pause on the game and looked at his sister with raised eyebrows. "Ariana may not have been the first born, but she grew up part of the Alpha Bloodline. There was always the possibility she'd become alpha. Do you really not know why this is such a huge deal?"

With a defeated sign, Bailey's shoulders slumped. "I do. I just don't like it."

"Tough." Conner was back at his game again. "You literally woke up one day an alpha. You weren't planned."

Conner was still speaking, but Bailey blocked out his words at the moment. She didn't know how much more of this she could handle. Her newfound powers. The world now watching her every move.

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