Chapter one

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***Hey guys, long time since a post from me, so stay tuned. I have a few chapters ready for you now. Hopefully, I'd like this version of the story enough to finish it. Let me know your thoughts ***

The day Bailey Miller's brother lost control, was the day Purefin fell victim to the worst storm of the year.

Bailey looked up from the sink as another flash of light flooded the sky. She flinched when the sky rumbled. Hands in soapy water, her attention was on the water that pelted the kitchen window.

Bailey leaned forward to peer out the window, her thick auburn hair swept forward and almost touched the dirty sink water. Bailey pulled backwards, her hair no longer in any danger, she continued to watch the rain from where she stood.

She finished washing the leftover food off the plate and stacked it on the rack to dry. As she was reaching for a mug, another bolt of lightning shot through the thick dark clouds above and she was able to see into the front yard a bit more clearly.

Bailey's deep emerald eyes widened at the sight she saw through the brief break from darkness outside. She almost dropped the cup in her haste to get out of the kitchen. She raced down the narrow hall, past the old staircase leading to the bedrooms above, and to the wide foyer that led to the front door.

"Mum! Dad!" She cried, the panic clear in her voice. She yanked on the first pair of shoes she found, her dad's boots that were a few sizes too large for her, and she threw open the door.

Through the house, she could vaguely hear her parents stirring from the lounge. They were slow, unaware of the danger that was happening outside.

Bailey paused for only a moment at the stop of the concrete steps that led to the driveway below. "Dad!" She called again, her eyes focused on the huddled form in the middle of the lawn. The rain didn't bother her, but she could see the small form outside shivering. From fear or cold, she didn't know.

"Conner's stuck!"

That, more than anything, got her parents moving.

"I'll get the serum," Joseph bellowed as he tore off upstairs.

"Bailey, don't," her mum – Amelia – issued a warning, one Bailey didn't heed.

Bailey leaped down the three concrete steps, wincing slightly at the odd angle as she landed. Shrugging off the pain, she blindly ran across the lawn, kneeling beside her brother.

"Conner!" Bailey's fingers grasped his young face, but it was as if her brother couldn't hear her. Couldn't see her. Bailey already knew what she would see, even still, she felt a spike of fear.

Conner was soaked, his blue jeans turned black from the mud he leaned into. His small hands sank into the mud as he let out a low moan, his body convulsing, his eyes rolling backwards to reveal far too much white for Bailey's comfort.

Bailey latched onto one of his hands, squeezing hard. "Don't worry, Conner. Dad's coming."

"Bailey!" Amelia pulled her backwards, the two collapsing into mud, just as the hand that she had just moments ago been holding, shifted, his fingers morphing into deadly claws. Patches of dirty-blonde hair sprouted up his forearms.

"That was close," Bailey breathed as her brother slashed at the ground, spraying the three of them in even more mud. Conner wouldn't hurt anyone intentionally, but he was young. New to his powers. Anything could happen until he learned control.

It was only his second week since he started to show symptoms of his power's manifesting. Only at thirteen, he hadn't actually made the jump between human and beast yet, but judging from what was happening now, Bailey didn't think he was far off. Maybe another week or two.

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