The Hero-King

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(Tiki's POV)

 I was very excited. It had been almost a week since Robyn had her hand pierced. It was healing well, but I was giddy for another reason. I had beaten Shadow Dragon, so we could prepare to bring Mar-Mar out. Unfortunately, I had a physiotherapy session first, but it gave everyone time to prepare for the Hero-King's arrival. I did not complete the last chapter; that would result in Marth marrying Caeda and I did not want that. First, my therapy session.

 "Let's get you walking on your own," Katie was saying. "I want you to walk across the room without Caleb's help." 

 I looked to Caleb. "Don't worry, I'll be right here to catch you," he promised. I nodded. 

 I held my arms out for balance and trotted forward. I wobbled for a bit before falling over. Just as he assured, Caleb caught me. "Try again. This time, focus intently on each step," Katie advised.

 Caleb let go and I studied the path ahead. It's just tiles, you can do this, I told myself. I took a cautious step. I kept my balance. I took another step, same result. I smiled. I walked about two more steps before my legs gave out. Caleb caught me for a second time.

 Katie had me do a few more exercises and noted my result. "There's definitely improvement, but you can tell your legs aren't used to walking yet. Next week I'll get you on the treadmill. For this week's exercise, I want you to try walking by yourself. I also want you to go out somewhere without your wheelchair. Even if you have to use a cane. Go out shopping or something." I had a cheeky thought. Maybe I could go on a date with Mar-Mar... "I'll see you next week." Katie said. We left the office and piled in the car. 

 I hummed to myself on the way home. "Do you want me to stop so you can buy a wedding ring?" Caleb teased me. 

 I blushed. "Is it that obvious?" 

 "Whenever you talk about Marth you always have this dreamy look on your face. Plus, Sayori told me you kept Caeda as far away from him as possible. Jealous much?" 

 "Pl-please stop. I feel as though I might explode from embarrassment." I looked away. 

 "Fine, I'll stop," he laughed. "Just know we are all rooting for you." 

 "Th-thank you, I guess," I stammered.

 We arrived home and I placed the 3DS on the coffee table, the screen on Marth's character profile. In his inventory I gave him his Exalted Falchion and a set of three vulneraries.

 His vulneraries would be different than mine. Back in the age of Altea we had special ointments we kept in bags. We would rub them on wounds and it had the same effect as the liquid ones.

 "Do you want to pull the trigger, Tiki?" Caleb asked me. 

 "Absolutely. I would not have it any other way." He gave me the device. I lined up the game system in my sights and fired. I was knocked back by the recoil.

 A bright, white flash enveloped the room. When it disappeared, the Hero-King stood on the table in all of his majesty. I was in awe at seeing my childhood crush for the first time in two-thousand years.

 Marth was understandably very confused. "Hello, everyone. I do not believe I know any of you." 

 I threw away the metal scrap that used to be the device and shakily got to my feet. "Not even me, Mar-Mar?" 

 His eyes went wide at the nickname. "Tiki?!" He hopped off the table and studied me closer. 

 I smiled. "It's me, Mar-Mar." I hugged him and he returned the gesture, albeit in a puzzled manner.

 We pulled back, though I kept my hands on his shoulders for balance. "Tiki, what is this place? This is nothing like any country I know. Everything seems so... advanced," Marth said with a great deal of confusion. 

 "It may seem strange, but you are in a different world. Before I show you around I want to introduce you to my friends." I pointed to each one in turn.

 Marth nodded to each one and turned back to me. "Are you okay, Tiki? You seem to really like holding my shoulders." 

 "Oh no, it's not that. My legs are not working very well at the moment," I explained.

 Marth raised an eyebrow. "What happened?" 

 "Six months ago, an evil man named Mark Avram broke both of my legs. I have only just started walking recently," I described. 

 "Oh, Tiki, that's horrible," Marth gasped.

 "Do not worry yourself, we have defeated him," I informed him. Marth looked around the house in puzzlement. "I can show you what everything does," I offered. 

 "That would be wonderful," Marth replied gratefully. 

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