[26] [REVISED]

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Mina's eyes bore into the gameplay. Her fingers quickly moving as she was trying to save herself from falling but failed. "How do you even jump that?!" Mina was tilted after dying multiple times on a hard level in a Mario game. "I'm gonna sue Nintendo." She grumbled, tossing her Switch to the side and buried her face on the mattress.

It had been hours since her parents and Chaeyoung had left. It was now night time, dinner was currently being made but Mina didn't feel like eating.

She lifted her face, turning to the side. She stared blankly at her vanity. She recalled Chaeyoung's words from their phone call earlier.

"Bored without me." Mina scoffed, going back to staring. Her eye twitched, shutting her eyes in annoyance. "Of course I'm bored without you fucking idiot." She groaned. She laid there, slowly falling asleep.

How quiet it was without Chaeyoung coming to check on her every hour. She missed her a lot. Though she will never admit it, her face would give it away. She had gotten used to having Chaeyoung by her side. Right now, she felt empty and bored without her other half.

Her eyes slowly opened when she heard a light knock. "Miss Mina, dinner is ready." One of the maids notified. Mina closed her eyes again, sighing.

"Not hungry." Mina replied. She heard the maid's response, her footsteps walking away from the door. Mina turned her body to rest on her back. She hated how bored she was. She missed her source of entertainment.

She felt the mattress vibrate, lazily reaching to grab her phone and looking at the screen. She rolled her eyes, taking a deep breath for her act.

"Hi babe!" Mina voiced.

"What a way to be greeted. I love it!" Mark sighed contentedly and Mina wanted to gag. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Just bored." She heard him hum. "But I'm okay with being bored."

"Being bored is no fun obviously." Mark scoffed. "How about..." Mina let him think, wanting to just hang up. "How about we go out?"

"It's late."

"So? We can watch a movie! Any movie of your choice. I'm sure that will help with your boredom. Maybe even I can." He chuckled while Mina cringed. "So, what do you say?"

Mina stared at the ceiling, hearing the static in the phone. Maybe going out wouldn't hurt. Even though the two were dating, Mina treats their hangouts as a friendly one. However, when Chaeyoung was around she would exaggerate it.

Right now, Chaeyoung wasn't around and this will be her first time without her if she went with Mark. Maybe Chaeyoung was happy to be away from her for this long. She hasn't even bothered to text her and see if she's alright.

Mina slightly scoffed. A bodyguard she was. Confessing to her twice, keeping her distance because she was just a bodyguard and her job was to protect her but hasn't even texted her for any updates.

"Mina?" Mark's voice interrupted Mina's running thoughts. Mina was growing annoyed at Chaeyoung that she just gave in.

"I would love to go. I'll be ready in twenty."

"Great! I'm nearby so I'll wait for you out the gate!" He then said his goodbyes and even sent flying kisses which Mina snorted at.

Hearing the phone beep after hanging up, Mina tossed her phone to the side. She closed her eyes and sighed.

"What are you doing to yourself Mina?"

After twenty minutes or so, Mina found herself dropping a rope over her balcony. Yeah, she was sneaking out since it was sort of late. She hasn't done this since her high school days. Her sneaking out was also a reason why her parents implemented for her to have a bodyguard.

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