Confession (Kagami Taiga x Aomine Daiki)

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Requested by.. NuruAqila394! Yaay! She/He didn't actually requested, she just asked if I can make a KagamixAomine Oneshot. Soo, you can also request some Yaoi pairs, and If I know them, then good. (edi wow, lol, pilipino fans must get this) And there is some mentioning of Kuroko x Male Reader here so, shoot!

"Soo.. When are you going to confess?"(Male Name) grinned at his red-haired friend, who blushed furiously.

"W-what are you talking about??!! Baka!"Kagami hissed, hitting the (hair color) male with his fist.

(Male Name) only pouted, rubbing his aching head. "Meanie! Just confess to him already! If you don't, I'll be the one to tell him!"

Kagami groaned, laying his head on his arms. "I'm.. I'm just not ready (Male Name)"(Male name) laughed again.

"You told me that a few days ago!"(Male Name) shouted, pinching Kagami's cheeks.


A few miles away, two bluenettes walked. One was small and pale, while the other one was medium sized with tanned skin.

"So, Tetsu. How is your relationship with (Male Name)? Good?"Aomine asked, patting his ex-teammate on the back.

"What about you Aomine-san? How is Kagami?"Kuroko replied back, staring at Aomine blankly.

Aomine's smile fell and he glared. "Shut Up Tetsu!"

Kuroko only smiled and continued walking.

"'Plan : Make Kagami and Aomine a Couple' Commence!"

That words were written on the blackboard as the Team of Seirin and the Generation Of Miracles (except Bakagami and Ahomine) sat in front of a grinning (Male Name).

"So, what is really going on here (Male Name) nanodayo?"Midorima asked, raising an eyebrow as he pushed his glasses up.

"Yeah (Male Name)-chii!"Kise shouted beside Akashi, who glared at him. And beside Akashi, sat the tall and mighty Murasakibara who was eating pocky slight loudly.

"Well, It's 'Plan: Make Kagami and Aomine a couple'!"(Male Name) grinned idiotically, suddenly getting a stick from nowhere and pointing it at the written words on the blackboard.

All the people inside the room except the couple (Kuroko and You) sighed.

Oh Well. *shrugs*

"Let the Plan... COMMENCE!"


"Where are you taking me Tetsu?!!"Aomine growled as he was pushed and tugged around by Kuroko, blindfolded and with tied wrists.

"You're going for a blind date Aomine-san"Kuroko smiled, a smile that Aomine can not see.

Aomine only growled louder.


From the other side, Kagami was also dragged by (Male Name) who laughed at his misery.

Finally reaching the place with no accidents, (Male Name) sat Kagami on a chair while he waited for the others to come.

Atlast, two bluenettes appeared, and (Male Name) smiled. (Male Name) dashed to his boyfriend, but not before untying the binds that held Kagami and Aomine.

(Male Name) grabbed Kuroko's hand and fled the scene. Or more accurately, (Male Name)'s room.

Kagami sighed, slowly untying the loose blindfold on him. "That Baka (Male Name)! I'll-"He was cut off when he realized Aomine staring at him with a blush.

"D-Daiki?! I mean Aomine?"Kagami stuttered, and Aomine laughed.

"You can call me Daiki, Tai- Kagami"Aomine internally groaned at his slip up and Kagami smiled."Then, you can call me Taiga, Daiki."

The next few seconds were made of awkard silence when it seem that (Male Name) had enough.

He slammed the door open and shouted. "Ahomine, Kagami likes youuuu!!!"He was about to say more when Riko pulled him out while hitting him in the head at the same time.

More awkward silence ensued, but with two embarrased basketball players.

"You like me?"Aomine asked, his blush lessened, and his eyes turned serious.

Kagami heaved out a sigh. "Y-yes. I like you, but I know thst you'll never like me.."Kagami's eyes turned downcast, and he clenched his fist.

His eyes widened though when a hand grasped his chin, making his face, face Aomine's.

"I Like You Too"With that words, Aomine clashed his lips with Kagami's.


Extended Ending

"Why are we here again? Nanodayo!"Midorima growled, and Murasakibara only munched on his sweets.

After being called, the GoM was left, forgotten on the classroom that they were in a few hours ago.

"Hmm. I feel like Kuroko-chin"Murasakibara smiled lazily.

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