Requested By: zyanneherrero 🌼
Members misunderstands Dino leading to his accident.
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. The dorm was unusually quiet, with an air of tension hanging over the members.
Dino noticed it as soon as he entered the living room, where the other members were gathered.
They exchanged quick glances and forced smiles, but there was an underlying tension that he couldn't ignore.
As he sat down, Seungcheol suddenly spoke up, his tone sharp.
"Dino, we need to talk. Your behavior has been unacceptable lately."
Dino was taken aback.
"What do you mean? I haven't done anything wrong."
"Don't play dumb,"
Jeonghan interjected, his voice cold.
"We know what you did, and we're not going to stand for it."
Confused and hurt by their accusations, Dino tried to defend himself.
"I really don't know what you're talking about. Can someone please tell me what's going on?"
"You know exactly what this is about,"
Mingyu snapped, his usually friendly demeanor replaced by anger.
"You betrayed us, Dino. How could you do that?"
Dino felt like the world was spinning around him.
What had he done to warrant such harsh words from his hyungs?
He looked around the room, searching for answers in their eyes, but all he found was disappointment and anger.
"Guys, please, you have to believe me. I don't know what I've done, but I would never betray you."
Dino pleaded, his voice breaking.
"Don't bother trying to explain,"
Seungkwan said, his tone dismissive.
"We've already made up our minds about you."
Heartbroken and confused, Dino stood up, ready to leave.
"If you won't listen to me, then there's no point in staying here. I thought you were my hyung's, my family, but I guess I was wrong."
As he walked out of the dorm, Dino couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong.
Had there been a misunderstanding? Or had he truly lost the trust of his hyungs?
Whatever the case, one thing was certain, things would never be the same again.
Outside, Dino wandered the streets, his mind racing.

FanfictionDino X Seventeen One-shots! _ Stories are completely frictional and have nothing to do with their real life.