Chapter 1

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On a rare day off, Wen Yifan stayed up all night to watch a horror movie.

The sense of weirdness depends entirely on the background music and screams. There is no scary picture throughout, and it is as plain as water. Out of obsessive-compulsive disorder, she almost finished reading with her eyelids.

As soon as the closing caption appeared, Wen Yifan even felt a sense of relief. She closed her eyes, and her thoughts were instantly trapped. When he was about to fall into a dream, suddenly, the door of the room was slapped heavily.

With a bang--

Wen Yifan opened his eyes immediately.

Following the moonlight falling in through the gap in the curtain, he looked towards the door. From there, one could clearly hear the man's murky voice when he was drunk, and the sound of footsteps staggering in the other direction.

Then came the sound of the door being opened and closed.

Blocked most of the movement.

Stared at the door for several seconds.

Wen Yifan didn't relax until it was completely quiet.

She pursed her lips, and then realized the fire came.

How many times have it been this week?

As soon as his sleepiness was interrupted, Wen Yifan had difficulty falling asleep again. She rolled over, closed her eyes again, and bored her energy to remember the movie.


It seems to be a ghost movie?

Still a low-cost bad movie that thinks it can scare people.


When he was in a daze, Wen Yifan's mind came up with a grimace in the movie.

Three seconds later.

She got up abruptly and turned on the lamp beside the bed.

Wen Yifan did not sleep well throughout the second half of the night. Half asleep and half awake, I always feel that a **** grimace is staring at her next to her.

She barely fell asleep until the sky was completely lit.

The next day, Wen Yifan was woken up by a phone call.

Because of staying up late and lack of sleep, her head seemed to be pricked by a needle, and it was painful. She was a little irritable, picking up her phone drowsily and pressing to answer.

There was a low voice from Xiao Zhong Siqiao: "I'll call you back later."


Wen Yifan's eyelids moved, and his brain froze for two seconds.

Make a phone call to wake her up.

Forget it.

It's not a feature film, it's just a trailer.

Her breath burst instantly, and she blurted out: "Are you saving..."

The phone was hung up before the words were finished.

The head of the fist hit the cotton, Wen Yifan opened his eyes, and sullen. After lying on the bed for a while, she picked up the phone and glanced at the current time.

It was nearly two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wen Yifan didn't sleep on the bed anymore, pulled a jacket over and got out of the bed.

Go into the toilet.

Wen Yifan was brushing his teeth and the phone rang again. She freed her hand to slide the screen and opened it directly.

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