Chapter 4

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His voice is neither light nor heavy.

But like a thunder on the ground, Wen Yifan woke up in an instant.

What did she say to Sang Yan when she came here the other day.

——"Sorry, we are a serious bar here."

— "That's a pity."


Wen Yifan pursed her lips slightly, an overwhelming sense of embarrassment occupied her.

Fortunately, the surroundings were noisy. The bartender didn’t hear Sang Yan’s words at all, and only wondered: "Brother, what are you doing." Then, he pointed to the drawer and raised his voice: "You have seen the one placed here. Bracelet?"

Hearing the sound, Sang Yan glanced lightly.

The bartender explained: "This customer spent a few days in our store and left a bracelet. Yu Zhuo picked it up that day and I..."

Speaking of this, he paused and changed his words: "Don't you put it away."

Sang Yan sat on the high stool and uttered lazily.

Bartender: "Where did you take it?"

Sang Yan retracted his gaze and looked casually: "I haven't seen it."

"..." The bartender choked, seemed to be speechless by his capriciousness.

At the same time, two young women came to the bar to order wine.

As if seeing a savior, the bartender threw a sentence to Sang Yan, "Boss, please entertain me, I will work first", and then immediately turned to greet the two.

Yu Zhuo didn't know when he had left this area.

Only the two of them are left.

Although it is in a crowded and noisy setting, it is not much different from being alone. After all, the bartender said something like that. The two stood and sat, and the atmosphere seemed to be disconnected from the surroundings, a bit strange.

Sang Yan took a clean transparent cup and poured wine into it until it was half full.

The next moment, Sang Yan pushed the cup in front of her.

Wen Yifan looked over unexpectedly.

The man's black hair was scattered on his forehead, his eyelashes were like crow feathers, his face was half-bright and half-dark in the light. He was still holding a half can of beer in his hand, and raised his eyebrows: "How can I entertain?"

This time Wen Yifan really had a seed, and he had the illusion that he really came to prostitute.

She was silent for a moment without touching the wine: "No, thank you."

-Cold scene.

It is estimated that Sang Yan was also embarrassed by the explanation of the bartender and did not deliberately mention the contact information. Thinking that this was his site, Wen Yifan decided to save him face, but did not mention it.

She pulled back the original matter: "The boss is in charge of the lost property here?"

Sang Yan smiled: "Who told you?"

Wen Yifan pointed in the direction of the bartender.

Sang Yan looked down, relaxed his hands, and suddenly knocked the can on the bar.

"He Mingbo."

He Mingbo raised his head subconsciously: "Eh! What's wrong, brother."

Sang Yan said neither salty nor indifferent: "When will I be so idle that I even care about lost things?"

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