*MATURE* Chapter 14 - Spades and Clubs

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Sakura was enjoying herself more every moment. Gaara was a good kisser, so good that Sakura hadn't thought about Sasuke the entire evening. They were on her bed, starting to get heated. Gaara finally mustered the courage to slide his hand under Sakura's shirt.

"My fiance feels amazing, doesn't she?" a low deep voice emerged from the corner of Sakura's bedroom, freezing them both in place.

*This can't be, no way, I am losing my mind* thought Sakura. Gaara quickly jumped out of the bed.

A silhouette walked out from the shadows, verifying Sakura's deepest fear.

"W-what the hell are you doing here?" her voice shaking.

"What? I can't come see my girl?" he smirked, glancing at Gaara. "I see you've found yourself a boy-toy" he chuckled, as visible blue bolts of electricity started to form around his right arm.

He kept calm, but inside he was anything but. He wanted that guy dead, his rage caused a disruption in his chakra control, causing traces of the Chidori to form.

"I-I swear I didn't know she had a fiance!" Gaara jumped out of bed, backing off to the door.

Sakura's fear turned into unprecedented anger.

"I do NOT have a fiance! Sasuke, get the hell out of here before I call Anbu!" She reached for the kunai on her nightstand.

"Look, I'm just going to head out..." Gaara, visibly distressed, hurried out of the room.

"Not so fast.." mumbled Sasuke to himself, forming a full chidori on his arm, following Gaara.

Suddenly, the room was filled with a sound of a loud slap.

"You piece of SHIT!" screamed Sakura. "How dare you come here and threaten Gaara, who has been nothing but nice to me?" Her palm was sore from the force at which she slapped his face.

"You fucking CREEP! You lurked in my bedroom like a maniac and watched me almost hook up? What is wrong with you? What do you even want? I swear, I should knock your ass out and drag you to Konoha prison. I have had ENOUGH of you!! You're ruining my goddamn life!!" she raised her hand for another slap,

"You fucking unstable stalker, you-"

In the middle of her tirade, Sasuke caught her hand mid-air, promptly pulling her to him, holding her firmly in place with his arm around her waist, while he kept his other arm holding her wrist. His face was an inch away from hers. His fingers sunk in her hip.

"Shh, you know you missed this" he whispered in her ear, slowly moving her arm he caught mid-air behind her back, immobilizing it.

A thousand curse words and insults came to Sakura's mind, but somehow she wasn't able to utter a single one as she just stared back at him.

He naturally took that as a yes.

"You look beautiful..." his eyes wandered down her body, his arm tightening around her waist.

She yanked her arm free from behind her back, attempting to push him away with no luck. Her mind was panicking, heart racing, voice shaking,

"You need to get out of here! I-I-I swear, I will call Anbu."

"And what are they going to do, huh?" he grinned, bending slightly to be on her eye level. "They couldn't locate me for months." His face was full of confidence, voice low and smug. His fingers brushed through her hair, twirling stray strands with his fingers.

*What's the matter with him? He seems different. Is he drunk?* she tried to reason

"Whatever you think you're doing, I'm telling you it's a bad idea. Let's talk about it, okay?"

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