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Granny and Aiden were talking about - I don't even know. I wasn't even trying to pay attention. All I kept thinking was that picture. I mean, I did see it every day, but for some reason, I felt like I really looked at it today and it just hit me from nowhere.

I thought I was doing okay. I did get the nightmares but I was fine during the day. I missed my parents terribly but I kept myself busy in schoolwork and other things to not think about it too much. But then, there were days like these, days where my heart felt lonely, alone and broken. Days where I realized that my support system, my parents really had left me and this truth was too much to bear. I hadn't spoken to anyone about it, not even granny even though she had tried to. I just couldn't talk about it. That just made it more true than it already is, which I know, does not make any sense, but it is what it is.

"Erin, are you alright? You've hardly eaten anything." came granny's voice

I stared down at my plate. It had been 20 mins and I barely had two bites.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really tired. If you don't mind, I am going upstairs now. I'm not really hungry right now. I'll keep it in the fridge and have it tomorrow." I said taking my plate. I put it in the fridge and ran upstairs.

I ran to my room, held the picture and started sobbing my heart down. I felt so alone. I just wanted the pain to stop. I really wished that there was some button within me that would allow me to switch of my humanity switch like in The Vampire Diaries. I wouldn't have done anything bad; life would just be so much easier. Thankfully I had done all my work because there is no way I could have done it now. I just wanted to go to sleep, my eyes were tired and my heart hurt. Just as I was about to, there was a knock on the door.

"I don't really feel like talking right now." I said.

"I know, but I really want to talk to you. Just this once. Please?" came a familiar deep voice.

Sorry for the really short chapter. The next chapter will be much longer.

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