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Erin's POV

The first week passed by pretty smoothly. The classes were getting more and more complicated, but I am working hard and trying to stay on top of my studies. It's a good distraction for me as I am so busy that I hardly think about anything much. Since, it's only the first week, teachers haven't piled up assignments and projects on us yet, so that's good. I haven't really spoken to Aiden after he had come for dinner that night. Even though he's my neighbour, I hardly see him around. Before I realized, it was already Friday and all of us were laughing at the cafeteria table. 

"Guys, there's a party tomorrow night at Rebecca's house. Any of you joining?" asked Rachel 

"Who's Rebecca?" I asked. 

"Oh, she's one of the cheerleaders. Her parents are really rich and busy so she keeps throwing these parties on weekends."

 "I'm in!" said Mia, Danny and Daisy at the same time. 

"What about you Erin?" asked Mia. 

"Oh, I'm not sure. I don't really know what happens at parties like these. There weren't that many parties at my old school. Besides, I have a lot of work to do as well..." 

"Oh, come on! It's the first week of school. You can't have that much work. Can't you finish all the work you need to do by the evening? The party starts at 7." 

"I'm not sure, but I'll try, I'll let you know." "You have to come, girl. You hardly know anyone here. This will be an opportunity for you to meet new people and make new friends." said Danny.

"Hey Aiden!" I said joining him on the way home. 

"Oh, hey Erin. What's up?" he replied. 

"Listen, are you going to Rebecca's party tomorrow?" 

"Not sure. She did come and invite me personally though. Why, you planning on going?"

 "I don't know, haven't really gone to a lot of parties before. My friends say that it will be a nice way for me to meet new people and all... So... I guess I'll go though. You should come too." 

"Me, why?" "Oh... I well...umm... I just think it'd be good for you, you know..." 

"Why?" he said, in a rather surprised voice. 

"It's nothing really, it's your choice. I was just saying." 

"No, tell me. Why do you think this party will be good for me?"

 "Well, you're just very different in school, you know. I mean, I'm not trying to assume anything, I hardly know you. It's just that you hardly talk to anyone and don't really interact much with people, quite different from how you were at my granny's place. I don't know why, but I feel like  something happened which made you like this. Granny was saying that you were quite different before. I just think it'd be a good change for you... both of us."

 "Well, if you don't know what happened to me, maybe you shouldn't pry." He replied, rather snappily and I shrank back. 

"I'm sorry" he said, after a few moments. "I'm really sorry Erin, I didn't mean to say that. It's just a touchy topic for me, that's all. I hate it when people look at me with pity in their eyes. That's the last thing I need from those who hardly know anything about me. I know that you are going through a tough time as well. I see it in your eyes when you're laughing at the cafeteria with your friends." 

Wow, I didn't even realize that he noticed me at school and here I thought that I was doing a good job and hiding it. 

"I understand, Aiden. Trust me. I'm not pitying you, that's the last thing I will do. I mean, I don't even know your backstory. But I hope you come to the party. At least that way I won't get bored alone." 

He gave a small laugh which for some reason made me feel happy. "Okay, I'll try to come" 

So, both of them have known and acknowledged that they share a similar pain. Their eyes make it evident. Oohhh... (Not me hyping my own book up :)) But, do keep reading and please do vote and comment.

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