Chapter Eight

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We enter the gates of what looks like a gothic church in the front but as I look further I see a mansion behind. Inside a lavish ballroom meets us with people dressed as maids arranging furniture and putting down blankets as we're coming in. I guess this will also be the room everything happens in. I stand there for only a minute when I see a gray woman taller than all of us approaching.

"You have guest Lazen," she says, peering down at Lazen.

"It's so great to see you, my love!" Lazen's voice is sweet, higher pitched as she wraps her arms around the other girl's neck. "You know the rules of an orgy the more the merrier and you wouldn't say no to me, right?" Lazen looks up at her, pouting all the way.

The girl smiles down at her and they kiss, becoming handsy quickly in front of us.

"I didn't know she could be sweet," Mave whispers to me.

"Seeing her switch like that is kind of unsettling," I whisper back. She plays the part of a ditzy arm candy a little too well. Like an actor on a stage, she knows everyone is watching her, and she has to be perfect.

Lazen turns around and smiles at us, clapping her hands. "Now I know you've never been here so the orgy likes to start slow, grab a card from the box and sit down until you're called. You should be paired with two people first and then as the night goes on more people may join. Rules are simple, say what you like and listen to what others, and you'll meet somewhere in the middle."

We go up to the table in the middle of the room and pick out a folded white card from the box. I take a peak and see a shiny blue handwritten 23. Mave shows me her card flashing a 20, close but not exact. Well either way that wouldn't be a good idea, with needing to go to the tree later, I should keep my distance and my mind on others. We're ushered by the maids to a separate waiting room filled with tables. I look down at the table, covered in white linen but no dishes sit on them. I take a seat next to Mave with Lazen across from us as she lays herself on her girlfriend.

I'm filled with a sense of excitement as I see more people come in. Gray with a splash of color fills the room as people pool in with guests in their arms. I look at the slightly raised stage at the front, closer to the main floor, unlike Mave's family. Almost the same as when I had to go to small conferences to network. It's oddly intimate for a society run on power, if nature is run by royalty, and the succubus is religious figures than who rules the ancients? A president or a dictator?

"What are you thinking about?" Mave asks me.

"Who rules the Ancients? I mean we're going to see them are we not?"

"We won't see them today. Two other parties are going on at the same time. In human terms those who identify like men and like men, a mixed group, and our section. The husbands-the Fencers split between those two and we'll get their daughter." Mave explains to me and catches the eye of the other woman.

"You're talking about Cirus," the name drips from her mouth like honey on meat, "she's going to make a promising leader. I'm personally funding her campaign for local government here until she's ready to take over for her fathers." Lazen's girlfriend says with a smile on her face. "She's a wonderful girl, but people want to break her."

Break her? I stare at Mave, I wonder if I can communicate how weird that was but Lazen breaks it first.

"You sound like you're dating her." She laughs, but her girlfriend just shrugs instead of responding. This leads to Lazen whining to her, keeping up almost a foolish attitude. It's off-putting, this wasn't the Lazen that I slept with or even interacted with.

I gotta stay quiet around these people, this is becoming so awkward. Though I do want to ask more questions, but instead I stay silent playing with the see-through fabric on the slip I wear instead. I try to work my question myself but grow bored when I can't so I listen to the conversations around me, one pulling all my attention to it.

Prescribed: A SuccubusWhere stories live. Discover now