Chapter One

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"May I have your name?"

Do I lie? "Names Jane, Jane Lane," I say to the receptionist's desk. Jane? Jane Lane? I'm so lame who would believe that's my real name? I could only rhyme a first name with my real last name. At least I didn't say my real name and if they ask later I could say people call me Jane instead of Ava. I'm overthinking this. 

I walked in here on impulse. The sign advertised a man here who could fix any problem you had no matter how weird or mundane. My problem is just odd, my problem I've discussed it with doctors and therapists and it left me with dead ends. An aching desire never filled by any partner before.

"Your problem?" The words rolled off the receptionist's tongue. The gum in her mouth made her teeth slightly stick together.

"It's embarrassing but sex," I whisper the last word.

The receptionist raises her eyebrow at me. "Sex incompetence? Incompatibility? Want to have sex before you die a virgin? Gotta be a little specific here." she motions her hand rolling it in front of me. 

I panic looking around the bleak waiting room with only a few other people looking to see if anyone is listening to the most embarrassing conversation I've had this week.

"Incompatibility with everyone," I admit.

"Doubt it. Take a seat, I'll call you when he's ready." The gum pops as I take my seat in the waiting room.

I wait patiently my anxiety creeping up my throat from my stomach. Other people are called by their names and as the room empties they never come back out from those two white doors. My legs bounce harder and I fiddle with my nails biting them down as I wait, now left alone in the waiting room. The sound of gum popping fills my head and as I hear my name called from the receptionist I don't notice it the first time until she says it louder and I shoot up from my chair hearing it scrape against the floor.

"Room three." The receptionist tells me.

I walk down the hallway and find the room quickly on the left. The room is simple, it looks like a regular doctor's office with posters of the body and thin white paper covering the examination table. I take a seat on the paper, my feet hang and in all my anxiety I laugh at myself. I feel like a scared kid going to the doctor for the first time. 

"Miss Lane," a voice calls from outside the door as he knocks before entering the room. The man from the poster is lean and tall. His glasses are too large for his face and his clothes are slightly too tight in some places. "Now you said you have sexual incompatibility with everyone. Why's that?" He sits in the chair across from me, it's wheels are squeaky as he comes closer.

My lips feel dry in this moment as I pick the words to speak, "Every partner I've always had leaves because I want sex too much. Even people I've met who say they can have sex ten times a day can't keep up. It's always been like this: everything I've indulged in becomes an obsession."

"I see well there is nothing I can't fix. I'll go summon a succubus and they'll come to your house. Are you okay with women or men or both?"

"I don't care but you said a succubus? The ones with horns or like a prostitute? I've tried that, and it was a bust." I question motioning in the air horns for him to acknowledge me. 

"Nope, a succubus the mythological ones. Should be one hundred percent safe." He signs the paper and rips it off the notepad. He hands it to me and I take it from his hand with hesitation.

I look down at the white and red paper, it looks like prescription paper but on it, he writes prescribed 1 succubus for seven days.

"Will they be able to keep up with me?" I ask. I don't really believe him, I think he's kind of crazy but even if I get a prostitute every day at least it's sex.

Prescribed: A SuccubusWhere stories live. Discover now