Part 3: The Progenitor's Regard.

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Part 3: The Progenitor's Regard.

Malicor could feel the changes happening in Arcadia, the world he had worked so hard to create. At first, the strange things were just flickers in the fabric of reality. These were small changes that any dynamic cosmic origin would go through as it developed.

But those changes, which weren't harmful at first, started to happen more and more quickly, turning into rough waves that messed up the way space and time fit together. Malicor's carefully crafted world appeared to have unleashed a sneaky force, causing chaos and disunity.

Focusing his infinite awareness, Malicor discovered that the Chrono Codex, the powerful object he had created as a backup plan to protect Arcadia's integrity, was the root of the problem. But now, bad corruption seemed to be destroying the Codex's complex functions and letting loose a force that was eating away at the very roots of cause and effect.

Malicor thought that this "Dark Rabbit" bug was more than just a biological threat. It was an ontological cancer that destroyed timelines and possibilities, leaving behind realms of unrestricted change where the rules of physics didn't apply.

As the Dark Rabbit spread, Malicor saw reality start to break apart and change. Things appeared and disappeared quickly, and as time went on, their basic traits changed into new, horrifying shapes. Breaking up time caused things to loop, go backwards, or skip around randomly. The very ties that held Arcadia's universe together were breaking down.

Malicor knew that if nothing was done to stop it, this dangerous uncertainty would eventually turn everything into a shapeless, uncertain void where chaos was the rule. It would erase whole societies, histories, and futures because the Dark Rabbit's never-ending hunger would eat them up.

Even though Malicor really didn't want to, he knew that he had to use the Chrono Codex's ultimate reset feature. This process would take apart and rebuild Arcadia from scratch, getting rid of the virus but also destroying everything that was in his creation at the time.

Malicor felt terrible about the choice he made, and he felt terrible about it. He could feel the terrified cries of his beloved Lapi guardians and the many souls that lived in Arcadia. They were all afraid of losing everything. But he couldn't see any other way to stop the Dark Rabbit from destroying everything.

Malicor used his infinite will to take hold of the cosmic keys to the Chrono Codex and speak the code's final rules across all of Arcadia's realities. When the virus's destructive wave reached its most catastrophic peak, Malicor's order started the total reset, which erased and rewrote everything in the universe in a single catastrophic instant.

Despite the destruction of reality, Malicor's big plan swiftly reassembled the basic blueprints in that mysterious void. Arcadia built new cosmic safeguards into its heart when it rose from the ashes to ensure that such end-of-the-world events never happened again.

The rebuilding of the Chrono Codex's blueprints and the start of a new world with protections against the Dark Rabbit:

In Arcadia, Malicor used his infinite will to grasp the cosmic keys of the Chrono Codex and speak the words of its ultimate reset routine into every thread of reality. As the virus's destructive wave hit its most terrible peak, Malicor's command started to destroy everything.

At first, it looked like things were falling apart slowly and quietly. As the idea of matter being stable broke down, things flickered and twisted, and the links between their atoms became less stable. Time started breaking into small pieces, which made events jump around and happen in ways that didn't make sense. The Dark Rabbit's ontological changes spread all over the place, twisting reality into strange, unworkable shapes.

When it sped up all of a sudden, the unending catastrophe became complete. The universe seemed to take a deep breath as each structure of existence fell apart, reducing everything to the smallest subatomic particles and quantum wavefunctions. The weight of undoing turned whole galaxies, star systems, and space structures into shapeless voids, blurring Malicor's endless senses.

After the void stopped shrinking, there was only a thin, empty haze of possibility. This was the pure original tachyonic stream from which all new realities could be written. Malicor was the only thing left—an immortal guardian who started the process of regeneration.

Malicor focused his will on that new universe and used the Chrono Codex's backup instructions to rebuild Arcadia from its pure cosmic blueprints that were frozen in time. He carefully watched as the hyperdimensional seedcodes spread outward, taking space, time, energy, and matter back to their original, perfect states.

Quantized wavefronts grew into the first clouds of glowing plasma. Over aeons, these came together through gravitational lensing to form new galactic superclusters that changed according to Malicor's improved physics. On these reborn stellar helixforms, planetary realms formed by bio-exponential accretions finally gave birth to biospheres that were programmed to become complex enough to support life.

When the grand recompilation hit its peak, Arcadia had been changed into a perfect, fully realised life, but not the same as the one that came before. There were layers of metaphysical encryption protocols, evolving heuristic defences, and hyperimmune deterrents built into the new reality's immutable cosmological cyphers by Malicor himself to protect his creation from evil forces like the Dark Rabbit forever.

Basically, he hadn't just fixed what was; he had created a transcendental world that would last forever and never be harmed by entropic contaminants. He created a better, more pure version of his Arcadian ideal, which could now rise through an endless loop of dynamic self-enrichment.

Still, as Malicor looked out over his newly created cosmic, perfect universe with pure happiness, some strange feeling deep in his endless consciousness picked up on some faint background anomalies. There are still faint echoes of darker variations that stay on the edges of many realities, like ghostly disharmonies. It was as if that harmful aberration had left some kind of sub-material mark on the edges of the spaces between the shores of Arcadia and the endless cracks of the outside.

These flashes were too faint for even Malicor's godly senses to fully make out. Despite the safety of the new Genesis Forge's ideas, the Dark Rabbit virus seemed to have unleashed a force in the infinite universe that was irreversible. Something that would last, ready for any new flaws to use as an opportunity to spread its fatalistic tendrils again.

For now, though, the supra-reality was born again, and Malicor's grand archvectors let their first zephyrs of vital dynamism breathe their first systolic beats. He would keep an eye on it at all times, but he would let his new Arcadian harmonium explore its unknown possibilities. Its new life had been locked onto a perfected course setting, and it was protected from every possible danger that could happen.

...or at least that's what he hoped, along with all other creators who had shown the infinite universe their best works of creation.

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