Part 6: The Gamma Circle.

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Part 6: The Gamma Circle.

Marcus stood at the edge of the abyss and stared into the twisting darkness, which looked like it could swallow up everything he knew. As the regime's top enforcer, he had dealt with many problems, but nothing could have prepared him for the awful horror he was now facing.

There was an unnatural energy in the air, and the city streets that were once familiar were now a maze of changing shadows and skewed realities. Markus and his elite mutatroopers, whom he had personally taught, were the last line of defence against the darkness that was closing in.

They walked through the streets with grim resolve and their weapons ready, but the strange thing that had happened to them made even their improved skills seem small. It was named "The Dark Rabbit," and it was a force that was hard to understand. It was an evil creature that broke all the conventions of existence.

The real-life errors got worse as they went deeper into the city centre. The buildings appeared crooked and bent, with roots resembling sand. The sky above them was a sickly green colour, and there was an alien light that made long, twisting shadows on the ground.

Marcus clenched his teeth and gripped his gun tighter as he led his team through the chaos. Normal weapons couldn't stop this enemy, despite their training to fight any danger and protect the regime.

Everyone and everything was affected by the dark rabbit. It seeped into people's minds and changed how they saw things, making them crazy. Marcus had personally seen it happen. He had seen his friends give in to the sneaky whispers that kept going through their minds.

He had to kill them to stop their pain before they could turn around on their own. He felt heavy because it reminded him of the awful price they were all paying in this fight against the unknown.

The streets got smaller as they went along, and the buildings stood tall over them like silent guardians. It was very hot and thick in the air, and there was a strong smell of decay. Marcus could feel the Dark Rabbit's eyes on them. It was watching them from behind, waiting for the right time to strike.

Suddenly, there was a scream that broke the strange silence. Marcus turned around and saw one of his mutatroopers shaking on the ground, his body twisting and turning in ways that made no sense. Something thick and black came out of the man's mouth, pooling on the ground below him. His eyes were rolling back into his head.

Marcus ran to help him, but it was too late. The man's body had already started to break down. His skin was melting away, leaving behind a dark mass that seemed to soak up all the light around him.

The other mutatroopers backed away in fear, their weapons trained on the horrible thing that used to be a friend. When Marcus realised how powerful the Dark Rabbit really was, he felt a cold fear settle in the pit of his stomach.

Not only was it a destructive force, but it also changed the very core of life. There seemed to be no limit to how much power it had over reality. It could twist and change to suit its needs.

Marcus knew they were running out of time as the darkness grew. The strange thing was getting stronger all the time, and soon it would destroy everything in its way.

He called together his last few mutatroopers. Their faces were grim and determined as they faced the coming disaster. The people in that world knew they were the only ones who could save it from the darkness that was about to swallow them all up.

Moving forward together, they fought their way through the twisting streets and the scary things hiding in every corner. They watched as reality fell apart around them, feeling like the very fabric of life was coming apart.

Buildings collapsed, their walls melting away to reveal dark masses that pulsed and reached out with grasping tendrils. It was shaking and cracking under their feet, and huge holes appeared in the ground that seemed to lead to hell's bottom.

While the Dark Rabbit watched, its weight on their minds was always present. Marcus could feel the evil look in its eyes, as well as the sick pleasure it took in seeing them suffer.

But he wouldn't give up. He wouldn't let the darkness take him. He fought out of necessity with fury. As he killed the horrible things that rose up to attack them, his weapon flashed in the scary light.

His mutatroopers came together to support him, and his unwavering drive made them stronger. In their fight against the growing darkness, they used their enhanced powers to the fullest and fought with wild grace.

But Marcus knew they were losing the fight, even as they were fighting. The Dark Rabbit wielded too much power and control. They resembled insignificant ants attempting to halt an unstoppable force.

Then Marcus saw the truth in a terrible flash of light. There was a dark rabbit that was a threat to everything, not just their world. That thing was like cancer: it would spread and eat everything in its way, leaving nothing but a huge hole.

He could tell his mutatroopers were scared and desperate because he could see it in their eyes. He knew he couldn't still ask them to fight. There was still not enough. They had fought with such bravery and determination that it made him feel weak.

Marcus told them to go back with a sad heart. As they fell back through the winding streets, they fought each step of the way, but the Dark Rabbit's power seemed to grow.

The anomaly's power was so strong that it was tearing reality apart. Nature's rules were breaking and bending. Marcus saw his entire world crumble around him. The darkness took over everything he had ever known.

At that very moment, he knew he had failed. He wasn't able to stop the Dark Rabbit or keep his world from the terrible end that was coming.

Marcus held on to one last bit of hope, even though he felt like he was going to give up. He thought that if he couldn't stop the dark rabbit, someone else might be able to.

He thought of the brave people who had given up everything to protect their world and joined the other groups in their fight against the oddity. She thought that maybe if they worked together, they could push back the darkness and keep their world from ending.

Marcus got together what was left of his army and set out to find the others with a sad determination. He knew the path ahead would be long and dangerous and that the Dark Rabbit would keep getting stronger, but he wouldn't give up.

Marcus would fight against the darkness as long as there was still some hope and people willing to do so. He would shine in the dark and give people hope in a world full of sadness.

Even though Marcus didn't know what lay ahead and the future looked dark, he knew he would never give up fighting. He would fight the Dark Rabbit until the very end, for his world, his people, and, well, for reality itself.

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