Chapter five: Secrets of the council

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As Raven carefully flips through the pages, his eyes catch a glimpse of a ancient tome tucked away on a high shelf. Getting out of his chair, he was currently sitting in, he walks over to the tall bookshelve with a mix of curiosity and anticipation, he reaches for it and carefully pulls it down.

The book feels weathered and heavy in his hands, as if it holds secrets that have been guarded for centuries. Raven opens it, and his eyes widen as he discovers a section dedicated to the council. The pages are filled eith intricate details about their origins, their powers, and their roles.

He reads about their ancient lineage, tracing back to founding of the kingdom. The council's purpose becomes clearer as he uncovers their responsibility to maintain balance and harmony between different magical factions. Raven's heart quickens as he realizes the weight of their decisions with each turn of the page, Raven's understanding of the council deepens. He learns about their rituals, their meetings in the secret chambers, and the delicate alliance's that they maintain. The more he reads, the more he realizes that the council's actions far-reaching consequences, can affect the kingdom and everyone living here.

Raven spots Aurelia admiat the towering bookshelves, her long flowing silver hair, that reaches her waist, cascading down her back. He approaches her with the ancient tome. "Aurelia," He says, his voice filled with anticipation." I've stumbled upon something incredible about the council. It's all right here in this book."

Aurelias Hazel eyes widen in intrigue as she takes in the sight of the ancient tome. "Raven, you've made a remarkable discovery." She says, her voice tinged with excitement. "The council has always been shrouded by mystery.  But this book could hold the key to understanding their true intentions."

Raven carefully continues to turn the delicate pages each one revealing more of the council's hidden lore. "These symbols," She points. " I think I've seen these before. They're not just for show. They're a language. One that's been lost in time." She says, her voice gentle.

Raven's gaze is fixed on the symbols as if studying them."You're right, Aurelia!" Aurelia's eyes widen in awe. "Imagine the knowledge that awaits us within the pages. The ancient wisdom that has been hidden fit so long. We must decipher this language and shed light in the council mysteries once and for all."

As the night shadows lengthen across the library. Aurelia yawns and stretches her arms infront of her. "Let's call it a night," her eyes still on the tome. "We need fresh eyes and clear minds to tackle this mystery."

Raven takes a deep breath. He decided to part ways with Aurelia. "Goodnight. Your highness." 

The moonlight casts a mysterious glow in the ancient walls as he makes his way through the secret passages once again. He steps into the night, ready to continue his quest fit knowledge. With each step, he carries the weight of the ancient tome and the secret it holds. Knowing he alone must uncover the truth.
Authors note
Two chapters in one day! I decided to kind of change point of view. And also into 3rd person (just for this one chapter tho. What do you think? Chapter 6 out soon!)
Word count:549

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