Chapter seven: Silent revelations

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After the enchanting ball, Elara and I retreated to the serene sanctuary of my chambers. The air was still filled with the lingering echoes of music and laughter.

As I sank into the plush cushions of my favorite velvet armchair, Elara gracefully moved around the room, lighting scented candles that cast a warm glow. The flickering flames danced in harmony with my emotions creating a atmosphere of tranquility.

Gently, Elara began to unfasten the intricate clasps of my gown, carefully removing each layer of silk and lace. I sighed with relief as the weight of the gown lifted, leaving me feeling lighter, both physically and emotionally.

"Thank you, Elara." I whispered, my voice filled with gratitude. "It's my pleasure, my lady." Her voice sounding smooth. As she continued to tidy the room, I took a deep breath feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. It was time to prepare for bed, to embrace the serenity of the night and allow my body to rest.

I moved towards the vanity where the soft glow of the candlelight danced upon the mirror surface. I carefully removed the hairpins that held my braids in place. With each pin carefully released, my silver hair cascaded down my back, free and untamed. The gentle tug of the pins and the soft rustle of my hair created a soothing rythem, echoing my anticipation for the peaceful night. When I unraveled the braids, my fingers glided through the strands, releasing and tension the lingered.

Next I reached for the silk robe that awaited me, it's touch against my skin a comforting embrace. The coolness of the fabric against my bare arms sent a shiver through my body. With each step towards the bed, I shed the remnants of the night, allowing myself to be enveloped by fbr softness of my sheets. As I settled beneath the covers, the room seemed to sigh in harmony with my own contentment.

Elara finished her task, approaching with a knowing smile. "Rest well, my lady." her voice tender. I closed my eyes, ready to embrace the night.


In the middle of the night, I awoke with a stillness energy pulsing through me. The moon casted a silver glow through the window, bathing the room in a ghostly light. I tried to close my eyes and return to sleep. But the conversation I had with Raven (when we were in the library) lingered in my mind stirring a whirlwind of thoughts. Unable to resist the pull of curiosity, I slipped out of bed, quietly slipping on slippers by the door, and padded quietly down the hallway to the library.

The door creaked softly as I entered the dimly lit room. I walked over to the shelves, my fingers tracing the spines of countless books until they paused on a volume that promised answers. Settling into an armchair, I flipped through the pages the books weight resting comfortably in my hands. I'm captivated by the pages filled with mysterious symbols, the very same ones Raven and I stumbled upon.

With each symbol I decipher, a surge of excitement course's through me. I can almost feel the ancient whispers of the council echoing in my mind. The symbols, foreign and enigmatic, began to form a pattern, a message that reveals their purpose.

In the moment of clarity it hits me I rearrange the symbols and they transform into a phrase that resonates deep within me "Guardians of the hidden truth." It's more than just words; it's a mantra, a declaration of the councils mission to protect knowledge that was meant to remain concealed.
The realization sends shivers down my spine. I can't help but wonder what other truths lie hidden within the councils history. What secrets have they safegaurded all these years? The symbols, once a mystery, now hold the key to unraveling the councils intentions and unlocking a deeper depth of their wisdom.

Deciding to walk back to my room, I yawn and stretch my arms above my head feeling my eyes get heavy. As I reach my room, a sense of relief washes over me. The familair surroundings provide a comforting embrace, like a warm hug. I let out a yawn, feeling the exhaustion seep into me yet again. I slip out my slippers and settle into my cozy bed, feeling my eyes close for the last time tonight.


Authors note!- hey all! Look at my cover @triceynexttdoor
made for me!!!Thank you once again! I'm not sure what happened but, I was missing around a paragraph or two when I looked back, so I could update Chapter Eight, and it didn't make sense! ( welp I was missing part of the story.) x chapter Eight coming soon
Word count: 789

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