Chapter ten: The chamber

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The forest is a living tapestry of vibrant greens and earthy browns, stretching  as far as the eye could see. Towering trees, with thick, gnarled trunks reached up to the sky, their leafy canopies forming a dense, emerald roof that filtered the sunlight into a soft dappled glow. The air was now cool and fresh, filled with the scent of pine and damp earth, mingling with the subtle fragrance of wildflowers that dotted through the grass of the forest. Under foot, the ground was of leaves, twigs, and moss. Creating a soft, almost spongy carpet. The occasional crunch of fallen branches could be heard as Raven and I moved swiftly through. 

“ Do you think anyone else has found this place before?”I asked my voice barely above a whisper. 

Raven shook his head. “ If they did, they didn’t make it back to tell the tale. But, we’re prepared. We are going to study every detail there is.” 

As we approached the entrance, an ancient stone archway covered in moss and vines came into view. It was just as the manuscripts  had described. Raven carefully brushed away the foliage, revealing intricate carvings. 

“This is it,” he said, his voice filled with awe. “The hidden chamber.”  

I took a deep breath, feeling excitement and apprehension. “Let's go inside.”

We pushed open the heavy stone door, which creaked loudly in protest. Inside the chamber was dark and musty, with only a few beams of light piercing through cracks in the ceiling. The walls were lined with shelves filled with dusty scrolls and ancient artifacts. 

“Look at these,” Raven said, picking up a scroll. “These writings could be a thousand years old.” 

As we explored further, we found a pedestal in the center of the room. On it lay a large, book bound in leather, and decorated with precious stones. 

“ What could this be?” I asked, reaching for the book. Just as my fingers touched the cover, the ground beneath us began to tremble. Dust and debris fell from the ceiling, and the walls seemed to close in on us. 

“We have to get out of here!” Raven shouted, grabbing my arm. We sprinted towards the exit, narrowly avoiding  collapsing shelves. As we burst through the door and into the safety of the forest , the entrance to the chamber sealed shut behind us. Breathless and covered in dirt, we looked at each other. 

“That was close.” I said, still catching my breath. 

Raven looked at me with concern.”Are you okay?” he asked, his voice softening. “ We can't go back in there yet. It’s too risky.” 

I nodded, appreciating his care.  “I’m okay,” I reassured him. “ But, maybe we can figure out a way to go back in there safely next time.We can plan it out better.” 

Raven thought for a moment, then nodded. “ Alright, we’ll come up with a solid plan. We need to make sure we have the right gear and-”

Suddenly, a shadowed figure emerged from behind the ancient oak tree. The figure moved cautiously,  almost blending with the shadows, making it difficult to discern any features. As the figure stepped closer, the soft rustle of leaves underfoot became more pronounced. 

“ Hey, are you guys okay? I saw you rushing out on my way here,” Gradually, the silhouette took on a more defined shape, revealing Keiran, his eyes scanning the surroundings with a mix of curiosity and caution. 

I blinked in surprise, then recognition dawned on me. “ Keiran! I remember you from the dance! What are you doing here?!” 

Keiran smiled slightly. “ I was just passing by and noticed you guys seemed in a hurry. Everything alright?’’

Raven and I looked briefly at each other, and Raven nodded slowly.” Yeah, we’re fine. Just had a little scare.” 

Keiran nodded, still looking a bit worried.” If you need any help, just let me know. I’ve got some experiences with situations like this.”

Raven glanced at me, then back at Keiran. “ Actually, that might be a good idea. We could use another set of hands and some extra expertise.” I smiled at Keiran. “ That would be amazing. Thank you.”

He grinned. "Let's head somewhere so we can discuss."

I nodded, feeling the tension get a little heavier. “Sounds like a plan. Let’s go.”

As we walked away, Raven leaned in closer to me.”We should be cautious with Keiran. Let’s make sure he proves he’s trustworthy before we share everything we have found.”

I agreed, whispering back. “ Absolutely. We’ll take it slow and see how things unfold.”

Keiran, walking slightly ahead, turned back and smiled. “ I’ll follow your lead, guys. Just let me know what you need .”

Raven and I exchanged a look, silently agreeing to keep our guard up until we were sure.

Word count 810
Authors note:  Gunna be updating more frequently! So excited to get more into the book!

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