Chapter eleven: Chasing calm

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As we made our way through the forest, the atmosphere shifted. The once serene sounds of nature were now punctuated by an uneasy silence. The wind whispered through the leaves as if warning us of impending danger. A chill ran down my spine.

“Do you feel that?” I asked, glancing around. 

Raven nodded, his brow furrowed. “Yeah. it’s like the forest is holding its breath.” 

Keiran. Sensing our unease, slowed down . “What’s wrong? You guys look tense.’’

“Just... the forest feels different,” I replied cautiously. “Like something’s not right.”

Raven's expression turned serious. “We should stay alert. This place has a way of playing tricks on your mind. Could have been something with the chamber.” He whispered to me. 

As we continued, the path twisted and turned, leading us deeper into the woods. The trees loomed larger, their branches stretching out like skeletal fingers. I couldn’t help but steal glances at Keiran, trying to gauge his intentions. Was he truly an ally, or were we unwittingly leading him to our secret?

Eventually, we reached a small clearing where the sun broke through the canopy, illuminating a fallen log that looked like a perfect spot to rest. We settled down, and I could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on us. 

“What exactly were you two doing out there tonight?” 

Raven shot me a look, and I could feel the spoken agreement between us arranged earlier about not  letting Keiran in on anything yet. 

“Just some exploring,” I replied, with a slight shrug acting casual, trying to keep it light. “-Nothing too exciting.” 

Keiran leaned against the log, clearly not taking part in our lie. 

“Alright, but you know, I saw you running from somewhere, right? So what was it?” 

Keiran suddenly stood up and started pacing in front of us. I took a deep breath , feeling the pressure. “ We’ll fill you in when the time is right.” 

He frowned but nodded slowly. 

Raven and I exchanged another glance, knowing that we need to keep the secret a little bit longer. 

“ We need to sort this out ourselves first. It’s not that we don’t need or want some more help, We can’t risk it right now until we have more intake.” 

Keiran sighed, running a hand through his hair. “ I get it, but just know that I've got your back if you need anything."


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over the forest, Raven stood up from the log where we all had gathered. “ I guess it’s time for me to head back, it’s getting late.”  he said, glancing around at the fading light. 

I felt a pang of sadness as he waved goodbye. I stood up too, brushing off my clothes, ready to make my way back to the castle. Just as I started to walk away, I heard Keiran’s voice beside me. 

“ Hey Aurelia,” he said, his tone friendly and inviting. “ Would you like me to walk you back to the castle?” 

I looked at him, surprised, but pleased. “ That would be nice, thank you,” I replied, feeling a flutter of warmth at his offer. 

As we began walking, the path ahead was illuminated by the soft glow of the evening light filtering through the trees. “ So, What’s the first thing you’ll do when you get home?” I asked, hoping to keep a conversation flowing.

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