Chapter 1 - Olivia

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Ring ring ring..

I got up from my bed and saw the alarm clock. It is 7:30 a.m now. I then started to get ready for my school. I brushed my teeth and took bath etc.
I wore my school uniform which is dark blue in colour. Then, applied some light makeup and went ahead the downstairs leading to the hall room.

I saw my Dad and Mom talking to each other normally. He is not my real dad. My mother married him, after my father's death, when I was twelve years old.

"Hey, dear, Good morning!" Dad waves at me.

"Good morning, papá".

I smil at him and sit on the dining table. There was Debbie, my beautiful wicked step-sister. She is sitting on my opposite seat. She is a beautiful girl with blue eyes that can attract any boys, curly red hair which is upto her shoulder. She always used to tie some of her hair like a ball in centre and leave the rest of the hair freely. She hates me alot and I too hate her. She always gives me trouble in home as well as in school. She has a gang of friends and she was the queen of our school. Many boys have crush on her, even, Liam. Oh-God, Don't remind me that.

"Good morning, Debbie!! How are you? Do you have any work?" Dad asks her.

She smiles at me wickedly and turns her head towards my dad.

"Yeah, Dad, I have some work. I need to prepare for the concert tonight" She says.

Concert? Wait. I turn towards my dad and mom, they looked at me like they were hiding something from me. Of, course.

"Dad, Mom! What is she saying? Concert? I'm the one who's going to concert today. I only got the ticket but how she can?" I asks them in desblief.

"Olive, dear, You're not well. That's why, Debbie will go to that concert" My dad replies in his casual voice.

"Not well? I'm-- oh- you mean my phobia. Huh- why are you treating me like a nothing? Because of this phobia, I won't die. And wait- the ticket for this concert is in my room. Then how did she get it?" I asks them.

Debbie smiles at me with her usual smirking.

"Oh, she sneak in my room without my permission. God- why the heck are you doing this? Why are you entering into my room without my permission?" I yell at her.

She just smirks and says, "This is my house and I'll do anything, even sneaking in your room. I don't need any permission especially from you".

I hate her.

Then, I turn towards my parents and was about to argue, by then a message popped from my phone.

Liam : I'm out here. Co'mon.

I saw that message and wore my school bag. "Do whatever you think. You won't understand my feelings neither my mom too" I say and hurriedly went outside the house.

I don't know why, but mom had changed a lot. Nowadays, she always supports Debbie and her husband. That ticket, it's my hard work. I really worked hard for paying the money for ticket but now she simply took it away from me.

I open the gate and saw Liam waiting for me in his car. When he saw me, he understood that something was wrong. I then got in his car. I always used to go to school by car with Liam. He was my best friend since childhood. He is a sweet and naughty boy. His has grey eyes and his hair combed nealty but some messy, which gives him a cute-innocent look. Only I know that he is not a innocent in real life.

"Olive, What happened today? You seem, so disturbed" Liam asks me, his eyebrows raising in a doubt.

"Well, Today our plan to concert is fucked up because Debbie have stolen my ticket" I say in a low anger tone.

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