Chapter 3 - Olivia

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I was scared as hell. I got up from my seat. Joel too. But Joel didn't seems fear. We both went to Principal's office. Liam also got up from his seat.

"Liam, Where are you going?" The teacher asked.

"Teacher, excuse me to leave. I have a work" He said and went outside the class room.

Debbie and her gang also got up from their seat to follow us. But they didn't ask permission to teacher like Liam did.

Our Teacher was confused by their going. Maybe her mindvoice be like: 'Why the hell am I here?'


My legs were trembling, when I reached the principal's office. Joel noticed my fear. He just smiles. No. He smirks.

"Don't worry, Baby" He says, a teasing smile tugging on his lips.

I frowned at him.

"May I come, in Sir?" I ask from outside the principal's room.

Before the principal could say reply, Joel entered the room.

Uhh. Jerk is Jerk.

"Oh, two of you sit here" Our principal gestures.

We both took our seat.

"Sir, Why do you call us?" Joel asks in a casual voice.

"Actually, I got a video of you both were kissing each other in the washroom. So, I have to ask you about this" Wilson, my step-dad, the principal says in a serious voice.

I narrowed my look to Joel who is not caring it much.

"Sir" I began. "It's not my fault. I didn't kissed him" I say to him in a stern voice.

"Then, Who is this in this video?" He asks.

"Sir, I mean- I didn't kissed him wantedly. He forced me" I say, in a serious voice.

"Sir, I didn't forced her. We both were doing on our each side willingness" Joel says and smiles at me.

"Lies" I shout.

"Olivia!!" Principal glares at me. "Don't shout here. It doesn't matter whether you kissed him in willing or not, it matters that you both kissed each other in school hours" He stated.

"So, What are you up to say?" I ask him in a low voice.

"For kissing each other in school hours, three days and for posting this video in our school group, three days and then by calculating your behavior and some dates and day, You both will be suspended for one week" He finished.

My jaw dropped. One Week? Gosh, and that three days for posting the video. But I didn't post it. It was Debbie. And then I remembered my most important thing. Ice Skating. There is a competition after one week for Ice Skating in an University. I love Ice Skating. Each school - One student will be selected. I was selected in Ice Skating from this school. I need to practice for Ice Skating in this school in this week but if I got suspended, I can't. My anticipation wil be wasted.

"Sir, I have Ice Skating Practice in this Week-"

"Olivia, You don't need to worry about it because you're not longer the participant in that Ice Skating Competition" He says.

I have crashed into a car.

"So, Who will be going to participate?" I asks in a expection, because I knew he would say her name.

I wish it couldn't be true. But it's true. Its her.

"Debbie. Debbie is selected for this Ice Skating competition" He says.

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