Chapter 6 - Lucas/Olivia

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Hlo, Are you fine, love? I have been missing you so much. I'm waiting for you.

Ander finished reading Jake's letter like he was the girl who wrote the letter. Jake glared at him. He snatched away the letter from him.

"Oh, Lucas, Did you see how Jake is blushing" Ander teases him.

I smirk at him.

Jake was a nice charming boy. But also a looter. He was arrested for looting some money from a Bank.

"Ander, Why are you bothering the Romeo who is blushing at his Juliette?" I ask, indirecty teasing Jake and stealing his glance towards me.

Ander chuckles at my statement.

"So, you both have, finally become a duo to mock me" Jake says in a bothered tone. "Perhaps, when you fall in love, you will know this. Wait. you won't get a girl, Right?" Jake mocks Ander back.

Ander glares at him.

"And Lucas? Your love-"

"No" I say in a stern voice, not interested in this topic. "I'm not interested in love".

Both of them kept silent for a minute.

"Umm. I'm going to check any letters came for me. I will check for you too" Ander glanced at me.

He then left the place. The one thing in the prison that makes me alive was my friends. Jake and Ander. Teasing, talking, laughing, smiling and all these are true around them. A smile formed my face and then disappeared when Ander ran to our cell breathing heavily.

"Ander, Why are you running?" Jake asks in a confused state. "You're not attending relay race, right?"

"Jake, its not the time to mock. I have got something important to Lucas" Ander insists, shaking two letters in in hand.

He had two letters in his hand. God- did John reply to me? A little cofusion held me but the thought stopped when Ander said something.

"Lucas has received a letter" Ander glanced at both me and Jake waving the letter. "But the thing is, it is not from John. It is from a girl".


I grabbed my letter hastily before he could spell her name in the cover. Yeah, he is correct, it was from a girl. Olivia Wilson? Who is she? Why she has to write me a letter?

"Who is Olivia? Do you know her?" Jake asks me in a doubt manner.

"No. I don't" I reply to him, still in flusteration.

I opened the letter.

After reading, I was more confused than before

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After reading, I was more confused than before. She knew John. But How? How did she ? The most thing is She need to be friend with me. Friend with Me? She has to know about me? For what sake? Why she need to know about me? Her Address. She believed a criminal and wrote her address and insisted that I need to sent her reply. What the hell is happening?

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