55 12 4

29th December
11:00 am

Freya's pov

I woke up by nine in the morning, a little later than I usually do and then quickly got ready and made my way towards Jinika's room to see if she woke up or not.
She was still asleep but I woke her up. She said a few more minutes so we can count hours. Then I went to Awni's room and she didn't even answer the door. Kumbhkaran for a reason you know.

We reached Goa last night at nearly two in the morning. And everyone was super tired of sitting in the car. Hence everyone is still sleeping.
We're staying in a villa. So we all have our own rooms.

Each floor has two rooms. Adi's and Ayan's room is on the ground floor. Me and Jinika on the first floor and Awni and Shrey have taken the last floor.

Last night everyone was so super tired so we slept and haven't even taken a tour of this beautiful place. Aditiya said we'll do that together.

Thinking about what to do alone, I stepped outside towards the garden area and sat on the swing there.I was just passing time when the my eyes landed on him and I was awestruck by the view in front of me.
Aditya stepped out in his room balcony which was clearly visible to me from the garden.
He just had his grey sweat pants on. And a towel was hanging on his naked torso. And water drops dripping down his neck from his wet hair.
The best view ever.
Damn he works out ! Cause look at his body. Wow. He's so perfectly built. Just like a freaking fictional character. So hot but can be cute at the same time. I wonder how his abs would feel under my fingers. Tracing his-

"STOP EYE RAPING THE GUY FREYA" Jinika's words pulled me out of my trance.

"He's my boyfriend, I can eye rape him" I said casually.

"Damn you're already becoming bold with him" she said and then it hit me.

What am I saying !

What am I doing !

"I...uhh.." I chuckled nervously.

"Whatever keep your session on. I am starving so I'm gonna go grab a bite" she said and left.

I slowly got up from the swing and made my way towards his balcony.
As I reached he saw me and smiled.

"Hey" I said.

"Hii jaan, wait for a min I will just come back after wearing a t-shirt." he said and went in. I waited for him at the door of his room and after he came out I wished him a good morning. Aditya kissed my forehead while whispering a good morning making my cheeks turn red.

Oh God!! Not in the morning Freya !! I said to myself in my mind.

He intertwined our hands together and made our way towards the dining area. During our walk towards the dining my eyes went to our interlocked hands making me smile. His presence has always made my day better and no doubt this is going to be the best trip for me. I got out of my thoughts when he asked

"Want a tour?"

"Yes. But first I'm hungry". I said and then we went towards our dining area to have breakfast only to meet two spoiled kids on the table.

"Heyy, I ordered the omelette first so I should get it" Ayan said to Jini.

"But you weren't there so I just took it" jinika said.

"Thanks for taking it now GIVE IT BACK"
Ayan said and snatched her plate.

"No way". She said and snatched the plate from him.

"Give it to me now". Ayan said with gritted teeth.

"Nopeeeeeee" Jinika said adding a high note at the end to annoy.

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