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30th December
8:00 am

Shrey's pov

I was laying on my bed after everyone left for their room after that little game we played. I wanted to sleep but my thoughts went back to her. Especially towards the words that she spoke a while ago.

"Yes, let me do Shrey's impression.
Let me use my money and the cutest smile to prove my attraction towards you".

Does she really thinks I'm just attracted to her. I mean I am because she's pretty as fuck and somewhere I know that this isn't just a mere attraction. I never in my life wanted to court any girl like I want to do with her. I know it's weird but it is what it is.

And I know I shouldn't be hurt over something she said as we aren't even close and I don't give a damn when people talk about me and my wealth. But the moment those words let out of her mouth my heart stang.
This is what I felt at that moment.
Hurt because how can she thinks of me like that when she doesn't even know me.
What she said about me was so wrong I wasn't trying to prove anything. Especially not my attraction nor
with money.


I woke up when Aditya called. I'm not a heavy sleeper but last night I slept late.

I couldn't get Awni's words out of my mind last night and kept thinking about it and didn't realise when sleep consumed me.
It really shouldn't affect me this much but it did. So I thought I'll just not try to talk to her directly. Because even thinking about how her makes me feel angry.

Shrugging off my thoughts about Awni I got ready for the day. Today should be all about fun.

 Today should be all about fun

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(Shrey's outfit)

I stepped out of my room and went down in the living area.
When I reached down I saw everyone already present there.
Ayan was busy on his phone while the girls were posing and Aditya was clicking their pictures.
He's terrible at it.

"These aren't even good". Awni said looking at the photos Aditiya just clicked.

"He tried". Freya said with a smile.

"Don't take his side. I've been your bestie since college" Awni whined to Freya.

"He's terrible at this. Lemme do it" I said and took the phone from Aditya.

"Okay" The girls said and started posing.

During every click I could only see Awni clearly. My focus kept going to her face again and again. She looks so pretty today it's going to be hard to avoid her.

She's wearing a blue deep neck top. With beige pants.
We're unknowingly twinning !

We're unknowingly twinning !

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