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Shrey's pov

Am I dreaming? Or did she really kiss me? She kissed me? Awni!!?! Ohhh myyy godddd!!!! I don't think I would be able to digest the fact that Awni kissed  me ! The girl I actually like just kissed me!!?! That's sounds a fucking big deal to me.

I have kissed a few women before but she was just different.
When people said you can know it from a kiss, I used to not believe it until now. Cause after kissing her now, I know I would not be able to stay away. I mean it wasn't a proper kiss but still it counts. And now I know I would crave for it. For her. I know she's the one for me. No other woman would ever be able to have this hold on me. I want her, even though she says she doesn't but I'll change it. Because I won't let her go.

I touched my lips and the kiss flashed into my mind.
I think her lips are going to be my fucking addiction.

She's is my addiction.

I knew something was off with her mood today since morning. I didn't see the real happy smile of her today. Seeing her sad made me sad. I feel like killing that Rohit for giving her these trust issues. To be honest it hurts a little that she can't trust me and that she has made all these fucking boundaries because of him. But I'm willing to wait and let her open up those boundaries.
I don't exactly know Rohit and what he did to her but I can bet I'll not do the same to her. Ever. And I can bet if I see that guy anywhere I'll kill him for hurting her.

I tucked her in the bed and sat beside her admiring her. She looks so peaceful right now. Sleeping with a smile adorned on her face.
I pushed a strand of her hair away from her face and caressed her cheeks.

'I want to make sure that this smile never leaves your face' I whispered and kissed her forehead.

I looked at her sleeping peacefully for a while and then left her room and went to my room but met my two friends there.

"What are you two doing here at this time?" I asked them.

"We came a while back. But you were not here. Where were you, you're not even picking up you phone" Aditiya asked.

"And what's with that smile?" Ayan asked.

"I was with Awni"

"And where is she" Aditya asked.

"In her room"

"Ohhhh..... So that's what it is with that smile" Ayan said teasingly.

I couldn't help but smile even more than before.

"Finally your love story has started too huhh" Ayan said again.

"Nope nothing like that, I just dropped her to her room".

"For almost an hour" Aditya asked with a raised eyebrow. I don't even know what time it is, not when we come back and all.

"Well she got drunk, so I was just making sure she's sleeping comfortably" I said leaving the kissing details aside.

Ofcourse I don't kiss and tell ! Even if I wanted to tell the world I first need to talk with her about this before telling anyone.

"Ohh" both said

"Why are you here anyways?"

"I want to take Freya out tomorrow for the whole day"

"So what?? Do you need my permission for it that?" I asked with a laugh.

"No dumbass. But I wanna go with her for over a night. Like we'll come back the day after tomorrow"

"Then go" I said shrugging my shoulders.

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