Part 1

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North was cutting ice “Still waiting for cookies!” He said while the elves were there having cookies. He sat in his chair, pushed his chair past the elves, he went to his tiny tools, took a tiny hammer, a screwdriver to make an ice sculpture of a train, blew the mess off it, put it on the track and it started to move. He chuckles.

“Yes!... ah, finally!” He said. The elf made the other elf spit out the cookie. (North) takes a cookie and eats it.

“Mmm! Mmm” He laughed in happiness as the train went by like a child.

The train jumps into the air, started to fly, was near the door when the yeti opened the door at the wrong time and broke the train into pieces (exclaims in disappointment) (Yeti gasps) (Both exclaiming fearfully) (sigh)

(North) “How many times have I told you to knock!” He yells at the yeti. The yeti complains about the globe. “What? The globe?” He said. He grabs his sword and walks to the globe room where the globe is. “Shoo with your point head” He said. The elf gets out of the way. “Why are you always under boot?” He said. He moves the Yetis out of the way to see the globe.

The lights on the globe were going out. “What is this?” He questioned. More lights are going out. “Have you checked the axis? Is the rotation balanced?” He said. The yetis speak gibberish, then there was wind blowing at them, and black sand started to cover the globe. The elves were going crazy like all over the place. Once the black sand covered the globe. The black sand went back up at the top of the globe and exploded everywhere, which scared the elf’s, which made them hide. Black sand went by North and the Yetis. They looked up and saw a shadow of sand go by the globe, hearing it laughing evilly. “Can it be?"

"Dingle!” The four elf’s came up to hear and looked at each other to see who he was talking to.

"Make preparations. We are going to have company” He said. He turns the dial to turn on the northern lights. Calling the others.

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