Part 3

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I was flying around with my hood up until I saw something go by me. I saw Jack and I flew to him.

(Jack) "Hey Emma" He said to me. I waved. Until I heard footsteps, I hid behind Jack. Me and Jack were looking around until...

(Bunnymund) "Hello mate and girl" He said. Me and Jack look at him. "It's been a long time, blizzard of 68, I believe, Easter Sunday wasn't it" He said. He comes out of the shadows.

(Jack) "Bunny! You're not still mad about that arent ya?" He questioned.

(Jack) "Hey...put me down...what the..." He said. Gets shoved into the sack.

I struggle to break free but I get shoved into the bag with Jack.


The bag landed on the ground and heard voices.

(North) "There here" He said.

We see two elves look into the bag and walk away. Jack looks out of the bag.

(North) "Quite" He said. Jack comes out of the bag "Hey there they are... Jack Frost and Emma Perown" He said. Tooth, Sandy and North look at us. Me and Jack look up at them.

(Jack) "Wow... you got to be kidding me" He said. Yetis picked him up and I got picked up.

(Jack) "Hey!...whoa put me down" He said. Yetis put him down.

I glare at the yeti and the yeti puts me down.

(North) "Hope the Yetis treated you well" He said in a russian accent.

(Jack) "Oh yeah. We love being shoved into a sack and tossed through a magic portal" He said. I cross my arms, shaking my head.

(North) "Oh good. That was my idea. You know Bunny obviously" He said pointing to Bunnymund.

(Jack) "Obviously" He said. I nod.

I look at Bunnymund. Bunnymund looks at me back. I glared at him and gave him a little shiver down his spine.

(North) "And the Tooth Fairy" He said. Tooth flew over to Jack and me.

(Tooth) "Hello Jack and Emma. I heard a lot about you and your teeth" She said.

(Jack) " what?" He questioned. I raised an eyebrow.

(Tooth) "Open up, are they as white as they say. Yes" She said. She looks at Jack's teeth.

(Tooth) "Oh they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow" She said. Her fairies fan girl Jack. "Girls pull yourself together...let's not disgrace the uniform" She said. She went and looked at my teeth which were sharp. "Oh you have really sharp teeth and really white and polished" She said and her fairy are
happy and looking at my teeth. She closes my mouth and flies away.

(North) "And Sandman" He said. Sandy is sleeping. "Sandy...Sandy...Wake Up!" He said. Which woke up Sandy.

(Jack) "Hey oh can anyone tell us why we're here?" He said. Sandy tried to explain to him but Jack could not understand but I can. "Uh, that's not helping but thanks little man" He said.

(Jack) "Must have done something really bad to get you four together. Are we on the naughty list?" He said.

(North) "Ha...on a naughty list. You hold the record. Emma's on the nice list fab no matter we overlooked now we are wiping clean this light" He said. Wiping his tattoo said naughty.

(Jack) "How come?" He said.

(Bunnymund) "Ah. Good question" He said.

(North) "How come? I'll tell you how come... because now you both are GUARDIAN!" He said.

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