♡Chapter 4♡

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Heather Chandler

It had been 3 weeks scince the party. Duke and Mac were out at Macs cheer practice, so Heather and Veronica had the day to themselves. They stopped at the 7/11 and got slushies, getting blue and red respectively. Heather parked the car in an empty alley behind her house, the radio still playing faintly. Veronica looked over to Heather with confusion "Why are we in an alleyway?" Heather turned towards Veronica "Because, I don't want anyone to see us."

Veronica Sawyer

Veronica stared at Heather, eyes meeting. "Uhm- why?.." She took another sip out of her straw. She somewhat expected getting stabbed or something. However, what she didn't expect was for her drink to be pulled away and hands to tilt her head up. Heather was looking down at her, leaning over her as her free hand rolled up the window on Veronica's side. Veronica froze, face red when Heather leaned towards her and connected their lips. She closed her eyes slowly, feeling the red clad girl's lips against her own. She lived in the moment that felt like years, then opened her eyes when Heather pulled back. The taller girl grinned, sticking her tongue out, the red now purple. Veronica took another sip of her drink, blinking rapidly.

Veronica was pulled onto Heathers lap and arms wrapped around her waist. She set her drink in the cup holder and cold lips pressed to her cheek. She scrambled for hold somewhere and her hands landed on Heathers shoulders. Their lips met again and Veronica closed her eyes again with her lips slightly parted. Chandlers tongue slipped into Veronica's mouth and the two intertwined.

Heather Chandler

Their makeout session was abruptly interrupted when Heather opened her eyes and saw Dukes jeep pull up behind them. She pulled Veronica away and pushed her back towards her seat. The blue clothed girl froze for a moment before wiping her mouth and sitting down. Heather rolled down the window and looked over at Duke and Mac as they approached the car "What are you two doing in this filthy alley?" Heather D asked, tone sharp with suspicion "Kurt and Ram started catcalling us so we ended up driving off. This was the quickest spot to hide." Veronica chimed in. Heather nodded, the freckled girl was quick she could admit, she would've panicked. "Yeah, those dickheads were being idiots." She was glad her windows were tinted well, otherwise there was no doubt they would've gotten caught. Duke looked more convinced and shrugged "Who's house are we going to?"

They ended up going to Chandlers, the four of them were sitting on the circle couch in Heather's room, Mac on one side of Chan and Veronica on the other "I heard that weird trench-coat kid, whatever his name was has a crush on Veronica" Mac had put into their conversation. Veronica laughed "Wait really, Jesse James? Pft!" Heather met Veronica's eye for a moment before going back to the conversation "Should we fuck with him?" She asked, grinning. Duke looked over at Mac and back to Chan "Yeah." Heather looked over to Veronica, who had pulled out a piece of paper and hovered her pen over the page "Dear J.D, I really like you, I think your so cool. Meet me behind the school at 4pm on Monday, - Veronica. Oh, put a heart after it too." Veronica snickered and folded the note before handing it to Chandler. Heather grazed their hands as she grabbed it.

Veronica Sawyer

Veronica puts her hand back down "That geek. What's the plan for Monday?" She looked over to Heather. "We're gonna set up a video call and watch him get heart-broken when nobody shows. Then, we'll send it all over school. McNamara will give him the note." She passed the note to the yellow clad girl, who took it without fuss. Veronica blinked when she realized Heather hadn't even attempted to touch Macs hand as she passed it, but she shrugged it off. Surely it was just an accident when she touched Veronica's hand.

At some point Chandler and Duke went off to plan something, and Mac scooted over to sit next to Veronica "So, what were you two really doing?" Veronica blinked "What do you mean?" McNamara rolled her eyes "I'm not an Idiot, Kurt and Ram were at the football field the whole time, so what happened?" Veronica panicked, she didn't actually have a backup for if they didn't believe her, so she sighed "Promise you won't tell anyone, not even Duke." Mac nodded quickly "We were uh, making out." Heather gasped "I knew it." Veronica raised a brow, but McNamara met her eyes "I won't tell, dont worry!" She scooted away as Heather and Heather came back and sat down again.

Dear Diary;
September 12th, 1989
Today went well as any, but I can't keep Heather out of my head

Heather Chandler

Heather, Heather, and Heather were in the bathroom skipping class. Veronica had insisted going to class today for whatever reason. Chandler was fixing her makeup when the bell rang and Veronica walked into the bathroom. She gave the girl an unimpressed look "How was class?" It wasn't technically rhetorical, but Heather didn't give Veronica time to asnwer. "Mac, did you give trench-coat boy the note?" Heather slid off the counter "Yeah." Chandler nodded, then walked over to the stall where Duke had finished throwing up "Heather, give me your phone." Chandler commanded, putting out her hand "Why? Don't you have your own?" Duke placed the phone in Heather's hand "Yeah, but if we get caught I don't want mine broken." The four girls walked behind the school and peeked the corner, he wasn't there yet. Heather quickly set up a video call between Dukes phone and her own. She also recorded the screen to post later. She hid Dukes phone so it could see without being shown, and the girls rushed back inside as the final bell rang. They drove up the block in her Porche and propped the phone up so all four could see.

J.D had walked the corner and looked around. He stood and waited. Heather and Veronica laughed, but perhaps they forgotten to mute their phone because J.D spun and looked around again. After about 15 minutes of searching, he left. Heather waited another 5 before starting the car and driving back to get Duke's phone. The mission had went well, until they went back to Heathers car and saw J.D leaning against it. Chandler strutted over "Move Jesse James." Mac snickered from behind her. He stood up "Greetings and Salutations." Veronica stood next to Heather Chandler, grinning at the boy.

Veronica Sawyer

She watched as the boys face went to annoyance and then to anger. "Oh so now you show up?" He commented. Veronica snickered and stepped closer to Heather. "Desperate much?" She walked around Jd to the car and opened the door to sit in her spot and the other three girls did the same. They drove to Veronica's house and walked inside

"Mom, Dad, I'm back, the Hesthers are here too!" She called, then led them up to her room. It wasn't quite as large as Heather Chandlers, but still large enough for the girls to sit comfortably in.

Dear Diary;
September 27th, 1989
I might be in love with Heather Chandler.

Heather Chandler

Heather was again alone with Veronica because Mac needed Duke for something or other, not that she was bothered. Over the last few weeks got very close, but never called themselves dating or official. She and Veronica were in Heather's room. Heather was sitting at her vanity, fixing her makeup. Veronica walked over and placed her arms around Chandler's neck, placing her chin on her shoulder "Yknow, you don't really need makeup. You're plenty hot without it." She earned herself a amused eye roll "Well, I can't just be plenty hot, I need to be very hot." She turned her head to place a kiss on Veronica's cheek, leaving a red stain "Hm, this shade does look good on you." Veronica snickered and pulled back to sit on the edge of Heather's bed.

After a bit Heather walked over to the bed and tilted Veronica's chin up. She wiped away the lipstick mark with a makeup wipe, then leaned down to kiss Veronica. The blue clad girl leaned into her. She suddenly pulled back and walked towards the door. She locked it, then turned and sat on the bed again.

Veronica Sawyer

Veronica's head was turned towards the red dressed girl, and Heather kissed her again, slipping her tongue into Veronica's mouth. She felt hands slither around her waist and pull her closer. Veronica closed her eyes, holding the kiss. After moments that felt like forever, Veronica pulled her head back, looking into Heather's eyes. "Will you be my girlfriend?" She asked in a whisper, it felt right, sitting where she was in Heather's arms, on her lap, in her gaze.
Heather pulled her closer "Of course" She leaned down to kiss Veronica again.

Veronica woke up in Heather's bed, but still dressed. She looked over her shoulder and saw a sleeping Heather Chandler. She was peaceful but still had an air of authority in her slumber, Veronica smiled and turned her head away.

A/N: Woah, that took way too long, sorry guys! You got a little fluff this chapter because next chapter might get a little dark. Anyways, word count is 1588, Tbc!

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