Chapter 4

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You have been living with Ghost for three months now, marrying quickly after only one.

He had forced you to resign from your position in the military and he had taken away your freedom and your own independence, you had lost all of it to him. You lived in his apartment now and you were only his to use. The thought of you getting pregnant came to his mind like an obsession and he seemed desperate for it to happen.

He had tried a lot of time by now but it hadn't worked and he was getting really frustrated. The idea of having children with you was important, a real obsession.

You are in the bedroom and for the umpteenth time you are forced to take a pregnancy test. He looked disappointed when he read the result, he didn't understand where he was going wrong but it had been three months already and still no baby.

He sighed and he threw the test away, "Damn it." He didn't want to wait any longer for this and now his patience was running thin.

You are afraid of him because every time things don't go the way he wants he becomes abusive and your body has become the canvas of a violent artist. You know very well that the only thing you can do now is stay still and quiet and let him calm down.

Ghost startes throwing things around. He couldn't figure out what was wrong and he was getting more frustrated by the day. You are living in fear of him as you knew what he'd do to you when he is upset.

"Please Simon, calm down." you desperately say.

He paused and his anger seems to dissipate, he looked at you and his tone seemed to have changed slightly, "I'M CALM!... I'm just frustrated." It seemed like he was trying to hold himself back, it's a dangerous situation. He is trying to control his anger towards you and the test result.

Ghost was trying to find an excuse for the lack of pregnancy but the problem might have more to do with him than you. The connection between you hadn't been natural and it didn't seem to be working properly. Problems with pregnancy could be due to the fact that you never wanted it, leading your body to react negatively in this forced relationship.

You decide to walk away from him tired of everything.

He saw you walking away and your rejection of his presence hurt him. "Where are you going so suddenly?" his frustration building.

"I am tired! When are you going to admit that I can't get pregnant!? I can not stand it anymore!" you say exhausted.

He gets furious again and spoke harshly, "Shut up! There has to be something wrong with you if this isn't working, I want a fucking child!".

"Do you realize that maybe I don't get pregnant because the bond we have was forced!? I don't love you and I never wanted a child with you! And why the hell do you want a child so badly!?" he grabs you by the neck lifting you up slightly.

He had enough. "Shut up! You're going to give me a child because I want it from you, the fact this isn't happening is because of you and you're going to fix it." This was an important thing for him and he wasn't willing to accept anything other than his will happening.

You struggle to speak because of his grip on your neck. "Why should it be all my fault?"

Ghost wasn't willing to admit that it might be his fault. In his mind the reason it wasn't happening was because you weren't trying hard enough and that was something he couldn't accept.

"Listen to me you little whore, there is nothing wrong with me and it's obviously you that is the problem. You need to fix this because the baby is on you and not me."

The Alpha let go of your neck and makes you fall to the ground. "Don't call me like that!"

"I'll call you any damn thing I want and if you speak back to me like that again, I will make sure that the next chains I use are not just tied to your ankle!."

You mockingly reply "Look how the great and famous soldier Simon Riley has turned out like all those asshole Alphas who treat their Omegas like dirt! What would Soap, Gaz and Price think of you? What would they think if they knew you were acting like your father? that..." he doesn't let you finish and you are grabbed by the hair and thrown against the wall with a punch in the stomach.

You had touched a weakness with your words and now he seemed to be trying to remain in control. Your words hit him hard after he realized how he had become the kind of Alpha he never wanted to be like his father.

His eyes are red with anger, his breathing is labored, and his body seems much larger than before. "You little whore, how dare you talk about what you don't know!?" you recoil in fear.

The words you say are like a knife to his heart, you had exposed him as the monster he had become and he was now realizing that he was the exact thing he hated the most, he spoke harshly "You will recognize me as your Alpha and you will give me a child eventually. You no longer have a choice."

Ghost's words make your heart tremble and the realization of finding yourself in a cage hits you in the face.

You ran away as fast as you could and disappear into the bedroom. He didn't admit it but he had gotten too carried away and your words made him realize that he had treated you like dirt. He still wanted you though and he was going to make this situation work.

You fall onto the bed and cry as you caress the spot where he hit you. "I can't take it anymore. I want to get out of this situation!"

"Y/N, please come out." Your tears caused him to be concerned and he wanted to see you and make you stop.

Ghost felt the bond pull him towards you as he felt your state of distress, he was feeling your fear and your sadness and this was affecting him now too. His Alpha instincts were kicking in and he had the desire to comfort you and make things okay, but in his mind he was the Alpha and he had to stay strong and in control.

Your thoughts were now flooding his mind and he opened the door and he walked towards the bed, you could see the sadness and the pain in his eyes as he looked down at you.

He was speaking softly now "Don't cry Y/N..."

"Get out!"

The Alpha looked away when you refused him again and looked hurt by your rejection but then he spoke in a harsh tone "You should be grateful I even care that you are crying. I could have let you drown in your own tears and be miserable, but now I am here to help you."

"Do you want to console me?! You're the cause of all this and you're even throwing it in my face that I should be grateful!" you can't take it anymore.

These words hit a sore spot as he realized yet again that you were right, he was the reason for your pain and frustration. "I'm sorry..."

"I don't care about your excuses, you took my life away from me and now... I've become this!"

Ghost didn't like being the reason for your pain but he was still too selfish to let you go. He stepped closer and reached out and gently put his hands on your hair trying to comfort you in his own way.

The bond was making him more sympathetic. He was slowly realizing the pain and frustration you felt and this was hurting him as well.

You feel overwhelmed by the bond, all these feelings are not yours. Even though your body is betraying you, your head tells you that this is all wrong.

But you lean against his chest and smell his essence.

As you put your nose close to his neck, his scent calmed you and made you feel a bit more relaxed and comforted and you started to drift off to sleep.

The bond can have a negative or positive effect despite being forced. The body and mind get overwhelmed and make behave differently. A state of perpetual despondency if it is not stable.
It would creep me out to know that my emotions are being controlled by this fact.

All feedback is greatly appreciated, I'd love to hear from you all 😉

Behind you (Dark Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x Vladimir Makarov)Where stories live. Discover now