Chapter 9

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Makarov's private quarters were in a separate area and they were completely locked down to prevent you from escaping. You were his prisoner and he intended to keep it that way.

You don't wait long and he comes in, locking the door. He doesn't even look at you and turning his back pours himself a drink.

("The asshole is so confident that he turns his back on me showing no fear that I might attack him from behind") you think.

When he finishes preparing the second glass as well he lights a cigarette, puts it in his mouth and grabbing the glasses goes to sit on the sofa.

"Come on little Omega, sit down and keep me company." He points to the sofa with his hand.

You look at him angrily, trying not to let him see how worried you are.

"You think you can intimidate me?! I don't take orders from a criminal!"

Makarov chuckled, your bold attitude was what he actually liked and that's why he kept you around. He felt like there was so much potential he could harness from you.

He sniffs the air and smiles "Your smell says otherwise, little Omega."

Makarov is a careful strategist and reading people is one of his many skills. He was enjoying the sight of you trying to hide this from him. He was getting ready to use your fear against you and he was going to try and manipulate you into doing what he wanted. "Oh, don't try and hide it dear. I can smell your fear..."

He starts sipping his glass. "Come on don't be difficult and sit with me" you begin to smell danger coming from him and sighing you realize it's best to do as he wants.

You sit down and grab the glass, smell it, and then sip. The liquid burns your throat and you start coughing, making the Russian laugh.

"Whats your name, my dear?"

"Y/N..." you say hastily.

Another pause while he is smoking "So, Y/N... what is the story behind your scar?" he asked curiously.

"Are you really asking me that? You and I are capable strategists who can read people. There is not much to understand about why I have this kind of scar" you say.

Makarov laughed at your comment and he knew that you were right. This was a game between two strategists and he wasn't going to fool around with you. "You are right Y/N... You've managed to surprise me more than once and I can see you have potential. I want to use your mind..."

"I will not help a criminal to..." but he raises his hand to shush you.

"I am not going to deny that I did in fact bring you here for my own personal reasons. But I want to use your abilities to counter my enemies, and right now you are with my number one enemies."

"I've been trained for these situations, and don't think I'll give in easily" you say proudly.

"You are broken goods now and you had nothing to offer but your obedience. Nobody wants an Omega like you, and I'm certainly giving you a better chance at life than what your government is making you do. I bet you had to fight just to be able to get a chance to come here with your measly team." Makarov spoke in a harsh tone "Your broken gland makes you unfit for much unless an Alpha wants you for a quick time... you're worthless..."

"I know very well what I have become because of ... this ... but it didn't stop me in achieving my goals. Even though I will be alone without a companion for all my life."

The Russian wasn't worried about hurting your feelings. He was just trying to get a feel for who you were and what exactly you were capable of. So far he was impressed with your determination to stand up to him and why you were an Omega that was worthy of his attention.

Behind you (Dark Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x Vladimir Makarov)Where stories live. Discover now