Chapter 7

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You see Ghost enter accompanied by guards, you immediately stand up as you smell his aura of danger.

He saw you back away from him, he walked closer now and he approached you with a more aggressive and terrifying demeanor than ever before. Ghost stopped about three feet away from you and spoke in a loud and threatening tone, "So this is really over then? We're not bonded anymore? It's actually over..." He looked at your face watching every detail of it, soaking in all of your features one last time.

"Yes, I will be operated on as soon as possible." you say.

Your words stab Ghost in the heart, he cannot believe what he is hearing. He let out a deep and quiet grunt and spoke in a pained and distraught tone "You told him everything right?" you nod. "So I'll never see you again? You're going to be taken away from me and I'm never going to be able to see you or be with you again?" he took a couple slow steps back towards you.

"Exactly. You ruined my life... you should go to jail for this."

Ghost was hurt by these words but he realized that they were true. He had ruined your life and he had been the one to cause you all of this pain and suffering. His facial expressions turned to sadness and regret. He took a deep breath "I'm so sorry... for everything. I didn't want this to happen to you, I truly didn't."

"Your excuses are useless now," you say angrily.

He couldn't believe how far he had gone to prove his dominance and claim you. He was starting to see things from your point of view and he was realizing how unfair he had been. "You're right... I should have stopped. I should have listened to you. I should have respected that you didn't want this bond."

He puts his hand through his hair nervously "I'm sorry that I left you with no choice, no Alpha is going to want you now." he adds.

"Now get out, I don't want to see you anymore."

"I understand if you want me to leave. But, can I at least say goodbye before I go or are you going to deny me that as well?"

You sigh thinking hard about how to respond "No I won't deny you that."

At least he wanted this to be a proper final goodbye. "I wanted to tell you this before I left but I'm really sorry. I wish I had been nicer to you and that I had treated you with more respect. You deserved better..."

Ghost took a step closer looking straight into your eyes "I just wish this had gone differently... I wish I had treated you better, I wish I had been a better Alpha than my father..." He was starting to get emotional, his eyes shining.

The Alpha took a final moment to try and take in everything about you...

He was taking in your entire profile. Your facial features and every detail of your being. He wanted to remember everything about you one last time before he had to leave. It was hard for Ghost to do this, his eyes looked down for a second before he spoke again in a low voice. "I... I'm sorry..." He still can't believe it, you were comrades in arms, you shared happy and sad moments during the melees, but his hatred for you made him a monster and ruined your life.

You listened to him the whole time without saying anything.

Ghost didn't put up any resistance when the guards came and took him away from you. There was nothing he could do to stop this separation anymore. All he could do was try to stay calm as they led him out the door. Ghost's eyes looked at yours one last time "I wish you the best..."

He finally accepted this separation and he is ready to leave you now. He turned his back and he followed the guards away without saying anything else...

You remain motionless as you hear him walking away down the corridor. You touch your neck and hope that this is the right solution and finally this damned cage will be destroyed and allow you to fly again.

Even if you will be damaged forever....

"I am scared..."

I wanted to describe this chapter with Ghost's feelings in mind.
In the end, the thought of becoming like his father destroyed him and remorse and guilt will accompany him forever. 😞
The protagonist, on the other hand, will have to face a difficult and painful step in her life knowing that she will no longer have the same life she had before, even if she is free.

Any comments are appreciated! Let me know what you think.😉

Behind you (Dark Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x Vladimir Makarov)Where stories live. Discover now