Chapter 6

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Ghost was finally on his way with you to see a doctor, he had taken time off work in order to attend the appointment. As he drove towards the office he was thinking about the possibility that there was an issue with his body and this might explain why you hadn't ended up pregnant yet.

You finally arrive at the clinic and after a while of waiting the doctor receives you. The doctor sits down looking at his notes, speaks first and looks at Ghost "Mr Riley. I see you want answers about your wife not getting pregnant yet? Is that correct?"

Ghost nodded his head in agreement. The doctor continued "I understand your frustration, how have you been dealing with the bonding process so far?"

The doctor had no idea that the bond had been forced, this was only something that Ghost was aware of and the doctor was under the impression that you were a willing and normal Omega.

You keep your gaze down, you don't even have the strength to pay much attention. The doctor obviously sees that there is something wrong, you are pale, tired and with a dull look.

Meanwhile, Ghost responds to the doctor. "The bond has been very effective for me but I'm afraid I cannot say the same for her. She seems to be quite exhausted and I fear this may have a negative impact on her health." he looked at you expecting you to speak but he could clearly see that you felt bad and he was beginning to doubt that you were okay.

"Mr. Riley, have you been pushing her too hard? It's possible you may have exhausted her and this could be causing the issue. You might not realize it but over exerting her and not giving her enough time to recover could be the reason why she hasn't fallen pregnant yet. It's common for the bonding process to be extremely exhausting for the Omega and I understand that you have been trying for a while now."

Ghost seemed to understand now that he might have been too eager, his desire to get you pregnant had blinded him and this was having a negative effect on you. He looked more concerned and worried as the doctor continued "How long have you been trying now? It might be too much for her to handle if this has been going on for a while now."

The doctor looked at Ghost "It has been going on for a few months now. I think the bond is causing me to feel overly eager and I may not have been giving her enough time to recover from our attempts."

The doctor raised an eyebrow as he listened to Ghost, "A few months? This is a long time, you should have come here much sooner. I understand that this is an important aspect of the bond and it's understandable that you would want it to be quick but you can't expect that she'll be able to keep up with you, especially if your bond is as strong as you say." The doctor spoke in a caring tone and he looked at Ghost with concern.

Ghost stayed silent now because he didn't want to tell the doctor the truth "Mr. Riley, have you not noticed how exhausted she is? Her body is starting to suffer because of how much stress and effort's she's been under. If this goes on any longer it could begin to take a very negative effect on her health."

The doctor seemed genuinely concerned about your well being, he didn't realize the bond was forced upon you so this seemed very out of normal to him.

"I know that, I'm starting to understand now. But she doesn't complain and she always tells me that she wants a baby too, so I just assumed this was what she really wanted." The doctor raised an eyebrow as he looked at Ghost "Have you never noticed the lack of enthusiasm that she has for this? Her body language doesn't seem like she desires this at all."

The doctor notices that you wince at Ghost's words. His lie is obvious and you try to look the doctor in the eye, you open your mouth to say something but close it and lower your gaze.

Behind you (Dark Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x Vladimir Makarov)Where stories live. Discover now