Faith - 2

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"No no no no no" I pleaded frantically as they dragged me back to my room at the mental hospital. "I'm fine" I sob out. The guards throw me into my room and slam the door behind me. "Faith, have you learned nothing?" My father says, sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. "What did I do?" I ask and slowly stand up. "I said no more magic, then I get a report you were practicing magic in the woods!" he hollers. "That's not true!" I lie and can feel myself start to tear up. "You need more shock therapy" He says sternly than gets up and walks over to me. I look at him "No please no! It's turning my hair white. Please dad no!" I cry out. "You must learn your lesson Faith" He replies and smiles a bit. "I will tell mother!" I say trying to sound brave. "If  you tell her, I will have her beheaded and you will be forced to watch" He yells in my face. I say nothing and turn away from him. I can't take this any more. I can feel myself start to go crazy. I hear him leave as the door shuts and locks behind him. I run to the door and slam my fists on it. "IM NOT CRAZY" I scream as I pound on the door. I slowly back away and run my hands through my hair. I can feel me start to have a panic attack. This can't be happening again. 

The door opens and guards appear. "What's going on?" I ask looking at them. "It's time for your therapy" The doctor says appearing behind them. "No please" I cry as they grab onto my arms and lead me out and down the hall. They take me into the room that I have been in many times. They set me down and a nurse comes over checking my vitals before it starts. "Are you ok?" She whispers checking if I have a fever. "Help me" I whisper. She says nothing and grabs my wrists and straps me to the chair. She walks over to the control panel and I close my eyes as a tear runs down my cheek.

"Faith? Are you alright? Faith?" I hear a voice and snap out of my memories. I look around and see Lottie standing in the doorway of my chambers. "I'm okay! Just tired, I need a nap later" I tell her than smile softly. "Very well, the queen wishes to speak to you at once. She is in the sitting room" She says then nods at me and walks out. I stand up and look in the mirror to check if I'm presentable. My hair is in a simple braid and I'm wearing a yellow dress. I smooth out my dress then head to the sitting room. I walk in and see my mother sitting there with Blaze. Mother seems to be glowing lately, her hair is down in loose curls and she has on a simple blue dress. Blazes red hair is messy as usual and he has on a black casual outfit. "Yes mother?" I ask sitting across from her. I look at Blaze as he turns to look at me "Blaze" I say. He leans back and gives me a smirk "Faith". 

"Darling yellow again? Really?" Mother says looking at my dress. "Yellow washes you out Faith" she reminds me. "Yes I know, I try to tell Rio that but he likes me in yellow" I explain. Blaze lets out a laugh "Does he wish for you to look ugly?" He questions. "Blaze! Have some manners" Mother tells him. She leans forward and grabs her cup of tea and takes a sip. "I'm going to be forward with you dear" she says. Oh shit, I knew they were going to say something about last night. "Yes?" I say acting innocent. "Are you sleeping with Ronin?" She asks looking at me. I can tell she is trying to read my face. "What? N-no!" I say quickly. "Tell me the truth" She replies. "If you're not sleeping with him, then what is going on?" Blaze asks. "Well.. nothing. We talk a lot but that's it" I say looking down at my hands. "You have feelings for him" Mother states. "Is that a question or statement?" I ask looking back up at her. "Take it as you want" She says smiling at me. Damnit, she knows I like him. "Is that all?" I ask wanting to leave as soon as I can. "You will leave when mother tells you" Blaze chimes in. I look at him and give him a look. "Blaze, what about you? Getting married anytime soon? Or are you busy sleeping with anything that has a vagina?" I ask him with a smirk. Mother starts to laugh and Blaze sits there shocked. "I do what I want" he says clenching his jaw. "You should be a good heir and get a wife then" I state and lean back crossing my legs. "Perhaps I will" He replies. 

"Oh, while you both are here. I have some news" Mother says looking at us both. "I am pregnant" "what the hell!" Blaze exclaimed looking at her. Mother laughs "That was my reaction too. It is your fathers last child. How sweet" she places her hand on her stomach. I look at her stomach then back up at her. She is lying about something, I can feel it. I decide not to question her right now and just congratulate her. "That is wonderful mother, congratulations" I stand up and hug her then kiss her cheek. "May I be excused now?" "You may" "See you later" I say then curtsy and walk out. 

After talking to Blaze and mother I decided to ride my one of my horses, Red. Once the stable hands got her saddled for me I got on and rode into the forest. Riding was my relaxing time, it was the one thing that truly kept me sane. "Why did you ride this far alone?" I hear Ronin say and see him trotting a horse behind me. "What are you doing here?" I ask him while stopping my horse. "I happened to be walking by and I was informed that you went riding into the forest. Do you usually ride out this far?" He questions me. "Yes, all the time" I answer him. "All by yourself?" he wondered and stopped his horse. "Why yes, is that a problem?" I ask him and lean down and pet Red. "Yes, it is dangerous princess" he pointed out. "I guess you will have to protect me then" I say then grabbed my reins with two hands and gave Red the cue to run. 

Red took off and we were running down the forest path, I was laughing as the wind blew through my hair. I felt free and so alive in that moment. I glanced behind me and Ronin was right behind me running his horse. He was smiling and seemed to be enjoying it. I run us to a waterfall in the forest and stop there. "Whoa Red" I tell her pulling back my reins. She stops and I pet her again. She is such a good girl. "You are something else Princess" Ronin says stopping his horse next to me. "What's your horses name?" I ask leaning over and petting it. "His name is Bo" Ronin says smiling. I look over at him and smile. He looks so handsome right now, it's literally making me sick. 

We turn and slowly walk our horses back to the castle. "Tell me about you, Ronin you know so much about me. Yet I feel like I don't know that much about you" I say and look over at him. He tenses up a bit then sighs "Well there isn't much to say. I had a worse than average childhood". He looks down at Bo and pets him. "What made you want to become a knight?" I ask. "My dad was a knight. For the longest time I viewed him as my hero. I wanted to be like him so bad" he says then looks up. I can tell this is making him uncomfortable, but I'm glad he is opening up to me. "Why did you stop viewing him as your hero?" I ask then hesitate "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to". He looks over at me and smiles at me softly "I will tell you anything Princess". I couldn't help but blush. 

"He wasn't very nice to my mother or sister. He would often yell and throw things" He says and frowns as if he is remembering a memory. My heart broke looking at him. "I'm sorry you had to go through that" I say relating to him. I knew exactly how he felt. Having a shitty dad was the worst, especially when you idolized him going up. "That's why I decided to never marry or have children. I don't want to end up like him" he blurts out. 

I swear I felt my heart sink in my chest right then and there. Thankfully before I could reply we were at the stables and the help was taking our horses as we got off. "I have to go" I say quickly. Ronin just looks at me and says nothing. I keep my head down and quickly walk away, once I was out of his eyesight I ran to the castle. I could feel myself about to cry. The lump in my throat was growing and tears were forming in the corner of my eyes. 

I ran into my chambers, shutting the door behind me. I jumped onto my bed and sobbed into my pillows. I grabbed a pillow and held it into my face and screamed as loud as I could. I felt like I was losing my mind. How could the man I knew I was falling in love with just tell me that he never wished to marry or have children? I know I had no business feeling like this because I'm married, but damn I couldn't help it. I had to pull away from Ronin, it was apparent my feelings had grown too strong. 

How the hell do you make yourself lose feelings for someone you knew was your soulmate? 

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