Faith - 7

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After talking to my mother I felt much better. When I told Rio that I was leaving him again he went ballistic. I don't blame him, I'm sure its upsetting. I try my best not to hold it against him, I know it's my fault. When Ronin told me that he couldn't be with me a piece of me died that day. I felt stupid honestly, who gets this upset over a man? I couldn't help it though. I knew that my heart belonged to Ronin.

After I told Rio, I was starting to feel like myself again. I went to my chambers and changed into a red dress. Red is my favorite color and it always makes me feel so beautiful. I let my hair down and brush it out then put on some simple makeup. Even though my mother was going to change the law I didn't want to talk to Ronin yet. I was scared that I was going to get hurt again. When I was done in my chambers I headed to the stables. I wanted to take Red out for a ride into the forest. Riding made me the happiest and I was finally feeling good about myself again.

I walked the path to the stable and saw Willa walking towards me, she looked upset. "Willa? Is everything alright?" I ask her concerned. She looks at me "Nothing I'm fine princess" she says quickly. "Willa talk to me" I say as I walk closer to her. "Hans doesn't want to have children. It is all I have ever wanted. I know I was made to be a mother" She tells me as tears form in the corner of her eyes. "Oh Willa, I'm sorry. You should leave him" I tell her. She looks at me stunned "What? Leave him?" She asks and takes a step back. "Yeah do it, men suck and you shouldn't have to deal with a crappy one" I tell her with a smile. She lets out a laugh "That's funny" she hesitates "I'll see you around princess" she says as she walks away. "bye!" I holler and continue walking to the stables.

Once Red was saddled I got on and we made our way into the forest. I started to canter her and cantered down the path, through the trees and out into a big meadow full of flowers. "Faith" I hear a voice yelling. I glance behind me and see Ronin running behind me on Bo. "I do not wish to speak to you" I holler back then cue Red to run faster. Red stretches her legs out and runs through the meadow. I hear Ronin cue Bo to run and I hear him catching up behind me. "Faith let me talk to you!" He yells. I look ahead and see that I don't have that much room left to run so I slow Red down to a stop. Ronin stops Bo next to me and looks at me "Please let's talk" he pleads. "Fine" I say then hop off of Red. I walk over and tie her to a tree and Ronin does the same with Bo.

I walk further into the meadow "I don't want to talk to you Ronin" I tell him. He follows behind me "I want to talk to you Faith" he replies. I turn quickly and look at him "Do you Ronin? Do you? I think you hate me. You say you love me but you hate me. If you truly loved me then you wouldn't be able to bear being away from me" I say sternly. "You really think I hate you Faith?" He asks yelling at me. His voice echoed throughout the meadow. "Yes I do" I scream back at him. He walks towards me then stops "I have been losing my mind since we kissed. I don't just want to be with you Faith. I need to be with you. I need you to look at me and smile when we make eye contact, I need to feel your touch on my skin, I need to be around you because when I'm with you I feel like I'm home. You are now my devotion Faith, its you! It has always been you. I will devote the rest of my life to make you happy and to keep you safe. You are my purpose in this world. I need you Faith" He says, he starts off yelling but now his voice is a whisper. I look at him stunned "Ronin" I whisper. "Tell me you feel the same" He demands, his eyes search my face trying to read my emotion. "I need you Ronin" I cry out to him. "I can not breathe when you are not near. You are my home Ronin. I feel safe when I'm with you, I am so in love with you. I don't just want to be your wife, I need to be your wife. You say you will devote your life to me? Well I will devote my life to you. You will be my devotion, I promise to always love you Ronin" I say with a sob. "Always" I whisper.

"Faith" He says as he wraps his arm around me. With his other arm he caresses my face "I love you" He tells me while looking into my eyes. I look up at him "I love you" I tell him and wrap my arms around him. He leans down and our lips touch, we kiss each other passionately. As if we have been starving our whole lives and finally found food. He pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss my face and down to my neck. "Ronin" I breathed out and he stopped to look at me. "I need you" he tells me and presses his forehead against mine. "I need you too" I reply. Suddenly he picks me up and turns to walk back into the trees. I laugh loudly "I have a blanket in my saddle bag" I tell him as he sets me down under a tree. He nods and goes and get its then lays it out. I move over and sit on it and he joins me. "You are so beautiful" he says as he grabs my hand and kisses it. I smile at him and slowly start to untie my dress.

After spending some time in the woods together we decide we should head back to the castle. "Let me ride with you" I tell him. He smiles and places his arm around my waist and pulls me close, kissing me gently. "That is perfect" he says and gets on Bo. I grab Reds reins and climb up on Bo, sitting behind Ronin. I wrap one of my arms around him and hold on to Red as we ride back to the castle.

"What do you think everyone will say?" He asks as we ride down the path. "I don't think anyone will be surprised. I actually think everyone was rooting for us" I tell him as I lean my head against his back. I smile to myself as we ride back to the castle talking. This is where I belong. Ronin was always meant to be in my life and I knew he was my soulmate. He was my home and one day he would be my husband.

 He was my home and one day he would be my husband

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