Ronin - 3

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"Ronin dance with us!" My mother says as she dances around the living room. She was spinning around with my younger sister, Reya. The house was filled with laughter and I joined them dancing. We were having a good time together then we heard the front door shut. My mother ran over and quickly shut off the music. "Go outside and play" she tells us. I can tell she is worried. I grab Reyas hand and lead her outside to the backyard. Our small house was in the village and we had a small backyard. Mother had a small raised garden and Reya went over to water the plants. I sat down on a barrel and looked out at the view from our yard. You could see the castle from our house. It is where the dark royal family lived. One day I would be a knight for them, I just knew it.

A loud crash broke my thoughts as I heard my father throwing things. I knew him and mother were fighting again. Reya looked at me worriedly. I put my finger to my mouth to tell her not to say anything. She ran over and stood behind me. I wanted to run inside to help my mother but I knew I was no match for my father. I looked down at Reya "lets go get some bread, I have a few coins in my pocket" I whisper to her. I hop off the barrel then grab her hand and sneak out of the back gate. We head into the village and it was packed today. "What is going on?" Reya says looking around. "I'm not sure" I reply and see an older woman standing there smiling "Ma'am why is it so crowded today?" I ask her. "The royal family is here!" She exclaims trying to look over the crowd. "Come on Reya, let's squeeze to the front" I tell her, then we both duck down and squeeze through the crowd of people. Once we got to he front of the crowd I saw the royal knights walking down the street. "Whoa" is all I could manage to say. They stood tall and looked so powerful. I couldn't wait to be one when I grew up.

"The queen!" Reya says excitedly and points at her. I look over and see the queen walking towards us. She was smiling and squatted down in front of us "Hello there, I'm queen Raven" she says and grabs Reya's hands. "What is y'alls names?" She asks looking at me. I was speechless, I couldn't believe I was talking to the queen. "I'm uh Ronin" I finally blurt out. "I'm Reya!" My sister exclaims. The queens smiles at us both "Well Ronin and Reya, it is so lovely to meet you both. How old are y'all?" She asks and looks at our clothes. I can tell she is seeing how dirty they are. "I'm nine and Reya is five" I tell her nervously. The queen nods "What do you want to be when you grow up?" She asks us looking at me. "I want to be a princess!" Reya hollers, making the queen laugh. "I will be a royal knight for you one day" I tell her confidently. She lets go of Reyas hands and looks at me and pats my shoulder. "Yes you will! I can't wait for you to work for me one day" She says smiling. "You both remind me of my children. My twins are nine and my other daughter is five also." she hesitates looking at me "Ronin, what does your father do for work?" She asks. "He is a royal knight for you!" I answered. She looks at me shocked "What is his name?" I tell her my fathers name then she tells us she's has to go. She gave Reya and I a hug and she also told me that she looks forward to seeing me again once I'm old enough to be a knight. I will never forget how I felt that day. Reya and I were truly happy in that moment.

The next day my father came home from work and ran into the house so joyful. "I got a raise!" He hollered and ran over and picked up mother, spinning her around. "What? A raise? How?" She asks smiling at him. "I don't know!" He smiles big. Reya looks over at me and smiles, I put my finger up to my mouth and shake my head. This needs to stay between up. I couldn't help but smile watching my parents hug and be happy together. It was a rare sight but when it was here I loved to watch it. Once everyone settled down I went outside and grabbed my wooden sword. If I was going to be the best knight, I had to start training now.

"I win!" Blaze hollers and smacks my sword out of my hand. "I was distracted" I mumble walking over to it and pick it up. "I can tell, you usually whoop my ass" Blaze replies laughing. "That is true my friend" I say. I run my hands through my hair and sigh. It has been three weeks since I last spoke to Faith. What I told her at the stable was true, but she has been making me rethink my decision. I said it to prove it to myself that I still want that choice, I think. I look over and see Princess Perfect walking towards us fanning herself. "She looks like a ball of bubble gum" I say joking with Blaze.

Blaze looks over at her "yeah she loves big pink dresses, but she's hot" he tells me and waves his hand. "Hello boys" Perfect sings out. "Greetings" I say then take a drink of water. "Blaze, aren't you going to ask me to the ball tonight?" She asks him and makes a pouty face. "Yeah I was" Blaze lies and looks at me smirking. "So I will see you at the ball?" She exclaims smiling at him. "Yes and I will be with the girl in pink" Blaze tells her walking over to her. He grabs her hand and kisses it. "Blaze you're making me blush!" She exclaims and hides her face with her fan. "Lets go" Blaze tells her as they walk away together, he turns and looks at me "See you later mate!" he hollers then turns back around and walks away. I head to the knights room and looked at the board for my name. Fuck! I had to work at the ball tonight. I despised working at the balls, mainly because I was forced to watch people dance. I especially hated watching Faith dance with Rio.

Later that evening at the ball I was standing in my position against a pillar. I was holding my sword and the tip of it was at the ground. I watched as royals and nobles walked in laughing and acting like they were better than everyone. I glanced towards the stairs and see Faith walking in with Rio. She looked beautiful, her hair was down in curls and she had on a stunning black dress. It fit her figure perfectly and I had trouble taking my eyes off her. She looked over at me and I quickly looked away. Damn I hope she didn't notice I was looking at her. I look at Blaze and he is dancing with Perfect. Faith and Rio walk over next to them and starting dancing. Rio has his hand on her lower back and pulls her close as they waltz around the dance floor. I clench my jaw and tighten my grip on my sword. He doesn't deserve to be dancing with her.

After they ball I was walking down the hallway and see Faith walking the other way. Damnit, we would have to pass one another. When she saw it was me she slowed down and stopped a few feet away from me "Ronin" she says quietly. I stop and look at her "Faith" I pause "How are you?" I ask nervously. I desperately want to talk to her but I didn't want to push her away. "I miss talking to you" she whispers looking up at me. I swear I felt my heart break when she said that. "I miss you too princess" I tell her. She walks and stands in front of me "I should go" she says quickly then grabs my hand and squeezes it, then lets go and walks away.

I stood there and looked at my hand as she left, that touch meant everything to me. It was the hope that she did still care for me.

As well as the realization that I was in love with her.

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