Faith - 8

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It has been a month since Ronin and I got together. If I could describe this past month it would be blissfully happy. It just felt right being together, I knew I was ready to marry him. I wanted to be with him all the time, I hated when we were apart. "Faith which shade of pink is best?" Perfect asks me as she holds up two fabrics. "They look the same" I tell her. She looks at me like I'm crazy "What? One is a touch lighter" She informs me as she hands me the fabrics. I take them and look at it. "I guess you are right. I like the darker one better" I say handing them back to her. "I'm trying to get your brothers attention" she says and walks to the mirror. "Good luck with that, he likes the company of many" I mumble.

Perfect looks at me in the mirror "Well I must try" she exclaims. I laugh and stand behind her "The right one will come along Perfect" I say as I brush her golden hair. "Faith!" Evelyn says as she runs into my chambers. "Evelyn you scared us!" I say laughing. Perfect giggles and looks over at Evelyn. "Sorry sorry" Evelyn says quickly "There is going to be ball later! Mother just told me, apparently there is a special occasion" she tells us excitedly. "A ball?" Perfect screams "I have to go get ready. I must prepare" She says quickly then stands up and runs out of my chambers. I couldn't help but laugh "Evelyn do you know the occasion?" I ask. "No mother wouldn't tell me"She says with a sigh. "I hope she invites all the staff, I want to flirt with AJ" She say and goes to my closet "Let me borrow a dress".

I follow behind her "ugh fine, only this once" I say and grab a purple dress. "You would look so beautiful in this" I assure her. She looks at me smiling big "really? Thank you! I'm going to go get ready then". She says as she takes the dress then runs out. "Now what should I wear" I mumble to myself and look through my gowns. "Perhaps something red" I hear Ronin say. I turn and see him standing at the door of my closet. "Ronin!" I exclaim and run into his arms. He embraces me then gives me a quick kiss. "You busy?" He asks smiling down at me. "I'm never busy when it comes to you" I reply. He grabs my hand "Then come with me". "Where are we going?" I ask as he leads me down the hall and into the gardens. "Our old meeting spot" He replies.

A few minutes later we made it to our spot. "It has been so long" I say looking around. The flowers were in full bloom and it was beautiful. "It has" he says quietly looking at the flowers. "Love, do you remember that rose bush I showed you when we first started to sneak away to talk?" He asks. I walk over to him "Yes I do" I reply and look at the roses. "This is the bush" he points out and touches a rose. The bush had beautiful red roses all over it, they were in full bloom and were stunning. "really? wow that doesn't even seem like the same bush" I say and touch a rose on it. "It's crazy how one can flourish when loved right" he whispers then looks at me. I look over at him and smile "Indeed".

Ronin gets down slowly on one knee and pulls out a ring. It was stunning with a big ruby gem and small diamonds surrounding it. I gasp and start to tear up "Ronin" I squealed. He smiles at me "Faith, I've searched my whole life for my devotion. I wanted to be devoted to something and live my life for that devotion. I thought my fate was to be devoted to be a knight, until I met you. I want you to be my devotion for the rest of our lives. I can't picture not having you by my side when I grow old. I want to do life with you Faith. I want you to be the mother of my children, I want you to be there when I go to bed and when I wake up every day, I want you to be the one I watch walking down the aisle to marry me. I want you Faith, yet I also need you. I need you to breathe, I need your touch and kisses and I need you to be my wife. I love our love story and I would choose it thousands times over and over if it meant I got to marry you. Faith, will you give me the honor of being my devotion. Will you marry me?" He asks me and starts to tear up.

"Yes yes yes! A thousand times yes!" I scream and hold out my hand. He slides the ring on my finger and I look at it "It's spectacular!" I gushed. I tackle him in a hug and he falls on his back. "Faith!" He says with a laugh. I lay on top of him laughing "I'm sorry Im so excited" I caress his face then kiss him deeply. "I love you Ronin, I can't wait to be your wife" I say. "I can't wait to be your husband, come on we have somewhere else to go" He tells me. I get up off him and he stands up. He grabs my hand and leads me back into the castle. He stops once we reach the hallway "I'm going to blindfold you, it's a surprise " He tells me and pulls out a blindfold. "What?" I ask and laugh nervously. He cover my eyes and ties it behind my head "Trust me love" he whispers then leads me down the hall.

A few moments later I hear a door open and we walk in. I try to figure out where we are but I can't. Suddenly the blindfold goes off and I look and see we are in the ball room, it is filled with people and they are all clapping and cheering. "Congratulations!" They all exclaim. Ronin smiles "Surprise, this is our engagement party" He tells me and kisses my head. "Ronin! I can't believe this" I say looking around. "Congratulations darlings" My mother says walking up to us. "Thank you" Ronin and I tell her then hug her. "Now we can have a real royal wedding" she says with a laugh. Queen Lexi walks up and stands next to her "Faith and Ronin I wish you both a beautiful marriage" She says and hands mother a drink. "Awe thank you Lexi" I exclaim as I hug her. "We will let you both go now, there is a lot of people wishing to speak to you both" Mother tells us. "Yes, and I plan on dancing with you mother" Lexi says laughing. She grabs my mothers hand and they walk away.

"I can't believe you're going to be my brother in law bro!" Blaze hollers and pats Ronin on the back. "Good luck being stuck with her" He adds in. Ronin laughs "I am happy to be stuck with her, that's for sure" Ronin looks at me and winks. I giggle then shove Blaze playfully "When will it be your turn?" I ask. "Soon!" Perfect says quickly as she walks up next to Blaze. He looks at her "We will see" he says and looks at Ronin and makes a face. "Come dance with me Blaze" She orders and grabs his hand pulling him onto the dance floor. "Yes, princess" he says as they walk away.

"Lets dance" Ronin tells me. I nod and we start to slow dance. I look around the room and watch everyone talking and dancing. Lottie was sitting at a table talking to Ella, they were whispering to one another and kept looking at Blaze. "I think Lottie has a crush on Blaze" I say as we dance. Ronin laughs "I'm sure she does" he replies then spins me. I laugh then spin back into his arms "I love you" I whisper looking up at him. He looks down at me "I love you" he replies. "Oh that is going to make me sick" I hear a deep british accent say. I look to my right and see Lord Andrews standing there. "How will that make you sick?" Ronin asks laughing. "Love mate, love makes me sick. I will never be in love" He shakes his head "I prefer to make woman love their chambers" He says with a smirk. Ronin laughs and stops dancing "I thought that too" he looks at me "But someone changed my mind" I smile and look at Andrews "You might be surprised, love can be unexpected" I tell him. He chuckles "Not for me, anyway I wanted to congratulate the both of you". "Thank you" we both say. Andrew nods then walks to the buffet table and starts to fill up a plate. After we danced some more we walked over to the tables and took a seat. "I am so happy" I tell him. He grabs my hand and kisses it "I'm glad you are love. So am I". I was about to reply then heard giggling behind me. I turn around and see Evelyn talking with AJ. She was blushing and kept giggling. "Sisters must have a thing for men in uniform" Ronin jokes. "Ronin!" I exclaim laughing "I guess you are right" "Oh I know I am" he says with a smirk. "I thought Evelyn had a thing with Fredrick" I ask Ronin. He shrugs "I thought so too, who knows" he answers.

After the party was over Ronin and I were sitting on the balcony of my chambers. "It has been a blissful day, lovely" I say then look over at him. "It really has, this is the happiest I have ever been" he replies. "One day we will sit and look at the stars with our children" He tells me and reaches over to grab my hand. I smile then look back up at the stars "Yes we will".

If only I knew that Ronin would remember telling me this. I wish at that moment that I would be able to see, that years later we would be sitting on the balcony watching the stars with our two children, Draven and Reya.

 I wish at that moment that I would be able to see, that years later we would be sitting on the balcony watching the stars with our two children, Draven and Reya

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