choir boy

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note: this one starts off kinda boring sorry


It is Sunday morning yet again, and for a boy with christian parents that only means one thing. Church.

So here I am, putting on my dress shirt, pants, and shoes, tidying up my appearance to be on my way to church. I'm not very religious, in fact, dare I say I'm not religious at all. But don't let my parents hear that, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

Typically when I'm bored I look for hot people, more specifically hot men. Don't let my parents hear that either. 

Of course I don't approach any of these hot men but it helps pass time to make up scenarios in my head. Sadly, having come to the same church on the same day and at the same hour every Sunday, I know better than to expect any eye candy. It's always the same people, which means It's always either wrinkly old men or little kids forced to come with their parents. And the few boys my age are engaged to their pretty girlfriends.

As we all take our seats, assigned by routine, the chatter dies out when the music begins, indicating the beginning of the mass. 

I have been here enough time to have involuntarily memorized every single face in the choir group. But I do a double take as my eyes take in a new face. He must be new. I couldn't have possibly missed him. He has tan skin and very dark, almost black, hair. He's very tall, his head sticking above the crowd. And my second row seat gives me the pleasure to take in the color of his eyes, green. He's the hottest man I have ever seen in my life. I'm practically drooling as I take in his appearance. 

I must have been staring too long, because as the words flow out of his mouth we make eye contact. Having been caught I blush, my pale complexion giving away my embarrassment. Yet, neither one of us looks away. He must be confused as to why this scrawny boy with a face redder than a tomato won't stop staring at him. Even when the music stops and we all stand up as the priest makes an entrance, we hold eye contact. Not being able to stand it I look away. God, I'm sweating and my heart is beating like crazy. This is why I'm gonna be single forever, I cannot act normal in the presence of hot guys. Not that I have a chance with a guy like that anyway.

Out of curiosity and because I cannot resist his handsome face, I look up. As I expected, he's not looking my way anymore. I can't even be disappointed, what made me think this guy also found me attractive. 


One torturous hour later, mass is finally over. As my parents are chatting it up with their friends as they always do at the end of mass, I head over to the bathroom, tired of hearing them ask me when I'm getting a girlfriend. As I'm washing my hands, I hear the door open and footsteps approaching. When I look up I catch the gaze of familiar green eyes in the mirror. Holy shit. It's choir boy. I quickly look down and away, scrambling to get out of the bathroom. But just as I hurry past him the door opens, hitting me in the face. Great.

I touch my face to make sure nothing is broken, only to feel blood spilling down my nose. Fuck, this is so embarrassing. 

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry, let me take care of that" says the boy who hit me, who I now recognize to be another one of the boys in the choir group.

Just as I am about to reply, mysterious hot choir boy does for me. "I got it Tommy". 

Before I can protest he gently grabs my arm and leads us out of the bathroom and into a seating area in a secluded area of the hallway. Confused yet mesmerized by his touch, I let him sit me down on the armchair. He briefly leaves my side and comes back with a cotton pad and some liquid I'm assuming will treat my nasty injury. 

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