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Screams, flashing lights and sudden darkness is the last thing I remember before I woke up in a hospital.

At first I was confused, observing my foreign surroundings. The cast on my arm and the bandage on my forehead indicated my injured state. I inspected every part of my body, trying to decipher what had happened. When I got to my legs I noticed I couldn't move them. My heart dropped to my chest when I realized that not only could I not move them, but I also couldn't feel them. Panicked, I tried to stand up and out of the bed, only to fall. 

The nurses rushed into my room and hurriedly carried me back on the bed. My mom entered in behind them, a look of sorrow on her face. 

I remember I asked what was going on and why I couldn't feel my legs. All it took was to see the tears streaming down her face as my she said "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry". It was then that I knew. I was paralyzed.

I didn't cry. I felt numb, almost like it hadn't fully hit me yet. 

But it didn't take long to hit me. Even once I was out of the hospital and back home, things were never the same again. 

It was so humiliating to not be able to get out of bed alone, get dressed alone, shower alone,  piss alone. And it wasn't just that. I could no longer do the things I loved the most. I had to quit the volleyball team. 

It had been about 3 months since my accident and all I have done since is lay in bed in the eternal darkness of my room. I barely eat, I barely come out of my room and I barely interact with anyone. I have lost so many friends due to my absence. But I can't find the energy to care. 

Just as I prepare myself to drown myself into the misery of my thoughts as I do everyday, I hear a knock on my door. 

"Can I come in?" My sister Eve asks. 

I don't respond, but my family knows by know that my silence means yes. 

She sits on my bed and says "I'm gonna get straight to the point. You cannot go on like this. I get that your life will never be the same but that does not mean it's over. It hurts me to see you like this and I'm tired of seeing mom cry herself to sleep because she never sees you anymore. I'm getting you a caretaker. In fact I've already found one. He's going to take you out of this bed and he's going to get you back into a healthy daily routine."

Absolutely nothing gets a reaction out of me anymore, but that certainly did. I sit up for the first time in weeks, jaw on the floor and eyes wide open. "Absolutely not. You can't do that."

"I can and I will. I will not let you do this to yourself. This stops now. Your caretaker is coming in approximately less than an hour."

Before I can protest she exits my room. Great. Fucking great. As if my life wasn't already humiliating enough now I have to share my space, the only thing I didn't lose, with someone that is gonna get paid to pity me. 

I don't even attempt to get out of bed or make myself look presentable, to which Eve looks like she wants to reprimand me for but doesn't when she comes back in my room to help me onto my wheelchair and out into the living room, where my caretaker is waiting to meet me. 

In the living room sit 4 people. Eve, my mom, a hot man, and I. Please don't tell me this absolutely mouthwatering man is my caretaker. 

"Hi sweetie, this is Ryan, the person who will be with you for a while", my mom informs me. 

Ok this is so fucking embarrassing. My hair is a mess, I haven't showered since yesterday and I'm wearing the clothes I've been sleeping in for the past week. I can feel my cheeks heat up, further embarrassing myself as I'm sure the redness in them is noticeable to everyone. 

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