mr. Hodge

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I have never had the privileged of being in Mr. Hodge's class, but I don't need to be to know that he's a beauty. 

He looks to be no older than 22, with brown curls and beautiful brown eyes. 

But everyone in school has heard of Mr. Hodge. Like I said, he's a beauty and I'm not the only one who thinks that. And it's not just girls that pine after him, also boys. I mean if you'd look at that ass in those tight slacks it wouldn't matter whether he was a man or a woman. 

He doesn't seem to notice though, always in his own world, teaching math like the cute nerd he is. 

Today I was attending the math study session he was lecturing after school as prep for the final exam he was proctoring in a few days. I only went to see my angel, but apparently so had everyone else. 

He began going through every single one of us, asking for the names of those he didn't recognize for attendance. When he got to me he froze. Color flooded his cheeks and he immediately looked away. Instead of asking for my name he wrote something down on his attendance sheet. Wait a minute, he knew my name?

So that's how the study sessions continued for the next few days. Whenever I raised my hand to ask a question or answer a question he would avoid eye contact and pretend like he never saw me. I even tried to approaching him a few times, only for him to run off to help another student. What's with the skittish attitude?

Fed up with his attitude, on the last study session I stayed behind in class as everyone exited. Now it was just the two of us in the room. Alone. That's when I approached his desk, standing in front. 

"Hey do you have a question?" He asked kindly as he looked up from his desk with a smile. That smile disappeared and was replaced with wide eyes and a blush as he realized who it was.

"I do actually. Do you think you can solve a question for me on the board?"

"Umm... sure. Just show me the problem." 

He stood up from his chair and made his way to the board. I couldn't help but steal a glance at his ass. I came up behind him and showed him the problem. 

I wasn't paying attention to shit, I was just admiring his body from where I was standing behind him. I know he knew I was standing behind him, he was tense the whole time. And he refused to turn around to face me, still facing the board as he asked me "Did you get it?"

Fine then, have it your way. 

"Actually I don't get..." I trailed off as I came up close behind him, practically gluing my chest to his back as I grabbed the hand he used to hold the marker, guiding him to the part that I supposedly didn't understand. "This". I didn't let go of his hand, mine on top of his as I held them still against the board, still holding the marker. 

I heard him gasp softly.

"Umm...s-so basically... uhh." He continued to stutter, saying nothing as his breathing grew faster. 

Unable to resist I leaned my head down toward his shoulder, rubbing my nose up his neck until I reached his jaw and moved my lips close to his ear to whisper, "It's ok, take your time."

He shuddered and his hand tightened around mine, both still pinned up against the board. 

Before either one of us could take it a step further, there was a knock on the door. He practically ran away to the other corner of the room as he yelled "enter."

"Sorry Mr. Hodge, I forgot my jacket" entered a kid. Fucking cockblocker. 

Once the kid left it was only the two of us again. Awkward silence filled the room. 

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