unbearable sadness.

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because I would rather feel pain than mustering up the courage to say three simple words and move in with my life.

a sense of sadness lingers the air
weighing so heavily
it begins to seem like second nature.

I know where it
resides but like a
coward, I will
keep pretending—
I will lie to myself
that this is unsolvable.

This cloud
of gloom,
I want to stay here,
I want to stay in it.
I want to stay in this
poison and I want to
feel shame, sadness,
and any other thing
I can get.

Like a sadist
I want to feel this.
I deserve it.
It is better than
speaking the words
that could make this
unbearable sadness
simply go away
and perhaps lose
you to my honesty.

Such a dilemma:
drown in my sorrows or say the words on my chest.

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