Part 1

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Phuwin Pov

I'm here in the classroom right now because we have class, but our prof is still not here, so me and my friend are talking right now

Dunk:Phu do you already known that we will have a new classmate?

Phuwin:No, and where did you get that information huh?

Dunk:Ah, I just hear it from the other's student hahaha

Prof:Ok class, Good morning

Student:(stand) Good morning prof

Prof: So I don't know if you'll already known that we will have a new students, and they will introduce their name today cause this will be their first day in this school
Prof:Boys come in

(Boys enter in the room)

Prof:Can you introduce your name


Joong:Hi I'm Joong Archen you can just call me joong

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Joong:Hi I'm Joong Archen you can just call me joong

Joong:Hi I'm Joong Archen you can just call me joong

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Pond:Hi I'm Pond Naravit

Girls:they're so hansome!!

Dunk:they are handsome huh
right phu?


Dunk:Hey phu are you ok hahaha


Dunk:I said if you're ok, you look shock, do you know them?

Phuwin:Huh, No!!


Prof:Ok you two can choose wherever you want to seat

P,J:Ok prof

Pond:(seat beside phuwin)

Joong:(seat beside pond)

Pond:(look at phuwin)

Phuwin:(look at him)(roll eyes)

Phuwin pov
Why is he here,
he didn't say that he was going to transfer in this school

Pond pov
I choose to seat beside phuwin cause no one is seating here, I look at him and he just give me an roll eyes hahaha

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